Entering A Dungeon!

She did not shout, but everyone heard her as clearly as if she had spoken next to them. Her voice had an odd charm to it that enticed those who heard it. Even Merlin's flame was doused by her words. Merlin could only pout and sit. Merlin was the most powerful mage there but next to Alexa she could only obey! Such was the influence of Ghosts.

Each of these people had rare classes that ordinary people would drool for, and they were all former supreme candidates except Alexa, who had opted to be a Ghost. They were apprehensive about the fact that they had to babysit a new candidate, but they had no choice. Miami was too important to the Empire so no glitches could occur.

These people were once supreme candidates, but now they were forced to submit to another. One could be given a second chance to become a supreme if they proved themselves worthy. The best way to do that would be to gain merits in the upcoming war. Babysitting their new boss was the last thing on their minds.

"We will be arriving shortly, so I want you to-" Before Alexa could finish her sentence, the eagle came to an abrupt halt in the sky. The air suddenly became ominous, as the eagle continuously squealed.

Alexa's figure flashed, appearing on the head of the eagle, next to the normal looking girl. "Gabby, report, what on earth is happening?"

"I'm not sure. The bird feels as if its life would become endangered if it went any closer. In my experience, this can only occur if an incredibly powerful creature is ahead. I'm sorry, but we can't go further than this." The average looking girl, Gabby, frowned as she explained.

Alexa shouted, "Taiga! Go ahead and scout. Tell us what on earth is happening."

Without saying a word, the ninja-like man behind her disappeared into nothingness. Alexa frowned underneath her mask as she looked up. Dark storm clouds were gathering as lightning streaked across the sky.

"This lightning is not normal," Merlin said as she looked up.

"How so?" Asked Alexa.

Merlin put her small hand on her tiny chin in thought, until she said, "It feels as if it's being induced by some force as if someone is intentionally controlling it." A wave of mana left Merlin's hand towards the skies. This was one of her many scanning spells.

No one expected that within seconds of releasing the spells, Merlin would cry out and cough blood. Some odd force had caused her to fly back. Luckily, Nzou moved quickly.

"Dome of light!" Karim immediately used one of his healing skills on Merlin, as a dome of green light covered Merlin. Her face became better within an instant, but she still looked pale. Alexa appeared beside her and put her hand on her hand.

"This, this is!" Alexa gasped in a manner that was very unusual of her. Nzou couldn't help but ask, "What is it, Boss?"

Alexa retracted her hand and stared at her palm. "Remnants of a foreign force reside within her body. It seems to be a chaotic world energy mixed with some elements I don't understand."

Salty could not help but whistle at Alexa's words. Alexa's standing in the Dragonheart empire was high, not only due to her strength but also due to her knowledge. There were few phenomena that could occur that she did not understand.

Alexa looked up and said, "Whoever is responsible for this force is far stronger than I am. We are lucky she only tried a minor scan, I fear if she had used a more powerful spell, even we would have been attacked by the force in the sky."

The entire group looked up in fright. To think that these seemingly normal storm clouds were so dangerous. They all shivered at the thought of what could have happened to them.

"The world is becoming more and more unpredictable. Just because the system made us stronger doesn't mean we should be arrogant. Stay frosty, we have no idea what's ahead of us." The whole group nodded in response except for the fat woman who still slept soundly.

Alexa crossed her arms under her bountiful arms as she wondered, just who had caused this to happen, and why? Just how powerful was this being? If only she knew, that this had been caused, by a rather weak unassuming white-haired boy with brown skin who was currently yawning.


The cause of this incident was naturally Will. This was all part of his plan. His plan had multiple stages. With stage one strengthening the city. He had Letty make a few changes to the city. With points, one can make changes to their territory, as long as one can afford it. Just make a proposal, and the system will tell you the cost, so long as the proposal was not ridiculous.

First, Will had Letty build an underground reservoir under the entire city. Then he had her create an underground network of tunnels that allowed him to access water from anywhere at any time.

Next, he had her get rid of the damaged buildings. Then he had her build a large city wall. One that encompassed the entire city. The wall was supposed to be 500 meters high and a hundred meters wide. Letty found this ridiculous, what was the point of making it so large? But Will did not answer her, so all she could do was follow her instructions. Will had planned the wall intricately.

It was looking at his intricate designs that Letty realized just how incredible Will's intelligence was. The underground water network was most complex under the wall and even ran along within the wall itself.

If one looked from above, one would notice that the tunnels and the wall created some sort of odd shape. At first, Letty thought this was a random shape, but after while she got an idea.

"Could this be a formation?"

Formations were structures, that allowed one to tap into World Energy. You had to use certain materials, linking them up in a certain way to produce certain effects. They were like magic circles but on a much larger scale.

"Just where did master get such a profound formation, and what does it do?"

Letty put her hand on her chin as she fell deep in thought. On Eridium she was privy to a lot of information, and formations was one of her majors. Try as she might, she couldn't for the life of her figure out what this formation did.

'This looks like a compound formation!'

After a while, an idea came to her head. It took a lot of observation and thought, but an idea of what she was looking at soon surfaced to her mind.

'A formation within a formation!

That was what a compound formation was in a nutshell. The formation was incredibly complex, so Will had to send her the information via intent. As it was not in any of the system templates Letty had to make sure that the details were inch perfect.

'I can only tell that there is an illusion inducing formation in there, but what illusions, how it functions or what other formations are involved is beyond me.'

The art of formations was incredibly complex and profound. One would have to have a prodigy level of intellect to even be able to grasp the easiest aspects of the field. Will's understanding of formations made Letty gasp with respect. She didn't think she could be more impressed by him. Will had thoroughly proved her wrong.

'What else can master do?'

Letty shook with anticipation as she looked at the complete city from the interface.

After removing the damaged buildings and debris, there was a lot of free space. The wall was still a bit odd though. There were plenty of users with abilities that could make a wall useless, no matter how high it was.


Letty once more thought about the compound formation hidden within the city. An idea popped into her head, one she didn't dare believe to be true, because if it was true, then the earth had given birth to a monster.

'When the Dragonheart empire comes, they are in for a nasty surprise'

Letty giggled in anticipation. She could not wait for the show to get on the road.

'It's been three days, which means that they should be on their way. I hope master clears that dungeon quickly...'


Dungeon hunting was one thing Will had completely neglected during his recent times. His interactions with the Dragonheart Empire and Hanzo made him realize once more how important it was to raise his level. Although the Empire intended for Will to grind the dungeon with others, he was confident he could do it himself.

Will arrived at the aforementioned gas station. It was as derelict as it was ominous. Will activated his aqua sense to spot the dungeon.

Dungeons normally existed high up in the stratosphere. Their access points, however, were on the ground. Will found the access point to the dungeon using intent. An unusual energy form radiated from a door at the back of the convenience store.

According to Letty, all one had to do was to touch the access point and inject a little bit of qi\mana. Will injected his yuan. His entire being was covered in white light before it disappeared.

Next thing he knew, Will was in a volcanic region.