
"So, let me get this straight."

Will looked at Merlin with confusion in his eyes.

"That was your greeting? Attacking me and my friend with an array of flaming swords?"

The entire group had lined up on the beach, sizing each other up. Those sent by the empire on one side while Will stood with Letty on the other. The eagle had disappeared into the skies the moment all of them had their feet on the ground. Those of the same group subconsciously grouped together, resulting in the current situation. Alexa had apologized for the earlier attack and explained it as a greeting. Apparently, it was a tradition in the Dragonheart Empire for juniors to test their superiors. Will found this ridiculous.

'Tradition, this Empire isn't even that old!'

Will sighed and shook his head. He felt that some people had allowed the system to get to their heads too easily. But then again, wasn't he guilty of the same crime?

"I'm Welsh too and I'm pretty sure that's not how we greet each other young lady."

Will's words made Merlin frown, she hadn't even properly introduced herself, let alone letting him know that she was from Wales.

'Did he hear what I said earlier on to Alexa?'

The thought seemed ridiculous but it seemed more likely by the second. Alexa was of the same mind as Merlin and straightened her back. They were miles away from the beach, yet Will had somehow heard their conversation. This thought sent chills down Merlin's back and made Alexa treat Will more seriously.

"Ehem, Solitary Sword Sovereign, I am Alexa, a Ghost for our noble Dragonheart Empire. I am here to make sure that you and your team gel smoothly, and I am also here to make sure that you reach level 75. As my predecessor Sicario mentioned, there is a dungeon nearby, I will take you to conquer it to make sure that your level is up to standard. Before that let me introduce your teammates."

Alexa looked sideways and nodded. The man in white middle eastern robes stepped forward. "This is Ibrahim, his class is Desert Jaeger. He is above level 125 like myself and is the team leader assigned to this group. He is…rather special so don't treat him like the others."

The next person stepped forward. It was the fat girl who had been asleep on the bird. After seeing the wand-like object she had, Letty had assumed that she was a mage. Turned out this wasn't the case.

"This is Woodsy, she is a treant warrior. She is above level 100."

Letty raised her brow when she heard these words. A warrior? She clearly looked like a mage.

'So that's not a wand, its a staff? Also, Treant warrrior?'

Letty was also shocked for another reason. Treant warrior, the most powerful warrior on her planet had the same class. It was incredibly rare and very powerful. She was well aware of its capabilities, so she was gobsmacked that this fat woman had that class.

Will took note of Letty's face as it went through a myriad of changes. He knew that Woodsy was a warrior from the start due to aqua sense. The wood qi around her was rich and vibrant. She, Alexa and Ibrahim gave Will dangerous vibes.

Merlin stepped forward. "This is Merlin, our most powerful mage. Her class is Aqua Adept. She is one of the most talented mages in the empire. Lord Andreas and Sicario specifically requested that she have your…guidance."

At first, Merlin had an arrogant expression on her face, but her lips trembled at the phrase 'guidance.' She had been told of this earlier, but hearing of it in public made her quiver a bit. Had she not been informed of Will's feat regarding Sicarios pyramid, she would not be there at that moment. Her level was far above Will's, but it seems that Will's talent in regards to manipulating water surpassed hers. She was still a bit sceptical in her heart, but there was no doubt that the information was real.

Will frowned a bit because he had no intention of guiding anyone, but he sighed and let Alexa go on.

"This is Salty, she like Merlin is a mage. Her class is Witch Enchantress. Also above level 100."

Many a man had been charmed by Salty, and she expected the same from Will. From her perspective, she was a bombshell from any angle, yet when Will looked at her there was no reaction. Salty believed that Will was pretending to not be affected by her feminine charms.

'Haha look on little boy. Take a picture, it will last longer.'

Salty was arrogant about her physique and believed Will to be enraptured by it. Only a second after looking at her, Will suddenly had a glazed look while picking his nose. His gaze remained on her as he went on his business.

'I knew you wouldn't last long.'

After a few seconds, he found what he was looking for and exclaimed in delight, flicking the object away. His eyes drifted from Salty like she was a nonentity.

'He wasn't concentrating on me, he was focused on his nose, and I just happened to be in that direction! That wasn't a look of affection, his eyes were dead!'

While Salty slumped in dejection, Alexa introduced the next person.

"This is Nzou, his class is Shield Hero, and he is also above level 100."

Letty raised a brow once again. There was an undefeated warrior on her planet, and Shield Hero was precisely his class.

'To think I would see two legendary classes in one meeting. Earth is truly frightening in terms of talent.'

Throughout all the introductions Will hadn't done much, but when Nzou was introduced, he stepped forward laughing. He formed a fist, wanting to fist bump Nzou.

"Ma nigga waddup!"

Nzou had a wide grin on his face as he returned the fist bump.

"My brother from another mother."

Everyone was stumped by this development, and they all had the same question, how did these two know each other.

"I'm Solitary, but you can call me Will. Have to say it's nice to finally deal with a brother out here."

Nzou laughed loudly, completely unlike him and nodded.

"Same ma nigga, same. I'm Nzou. Also, a pleasure to know I'm dealing with a brother."

Everyone was stumped by what was happening. They were meeting for the first time…and they were brothers?