
To Will, the SSS manual was extremely complicated, despite the gift of his mental power. The young man had only deciphered the first concept of the technique, which he had used before, Sword Kaiser.

Like all unorthodox techniques, it had no distinctive form. It was more about insight and energy manipulation of an extremely high level. The technique was so complex Will had to use the chant provided just to bring out a small part of its power.

What he had used against Merlin's fire-sword shower was far from being the true Sword Kaiser, but a mere shell.

The SSS manual had many techniques, with Sword Kaiser being the simplest. The concept behind the skill was divided into steps. First, create a sword using a piece of essence. It could be the essence of anything, object or living, so long as it was a small part of a whole and separate from the target's core essence.

Every object in the universe gave of intent, from living things to inanimate objects according to the manual. The second thing to do was to detect the intent of the target and trace it back to the core essence of the target, whilst connecting the trace to the sword itself. This trace acts as a path to the target's essence. Tracing that intent from the outside to the source is how one arrives at the so-called 'essence'.

This required thread-like control over one's intent.

This careful thread-like control over one's intent, something which Will was not familiar with himself, was not easy. This was only the second step and just by itself, it was draining Will's mind. Without the thousands of partitions in his mind, Will would not be able to do the second step as it required understanding a complex concept. Initially, Will struggled at trying to understand just what was meant by essence but over time, he came to a vague understanding, realizing that Sword Kaiser had incredible applications, one of which he was about to use now.

The third step was especially difficult for the mind, soul and body. The idea was to use his own energy to sharpen the essence sword whilst infusing his intent. Then bridge the essence sword with the core essence of the target. This was followed by the last and easiest step was to use that essence to strike at the original core essence of the target. The idea was straightforward. Attack the core essence with a sword made out of the target's own essence and intent. It was impossible to block an attack from one's own energy, this was why Sword Kaiser was unblockable once it made contact.

If one was skilled enough they could form thousands of swords or attack thousands of targets at the same time. The Technique's application is limitless, only limited by the user's ability.

"What is this brat up to." said the old man as he looked on. His sixth sense was telling him that something wasn't right, but his pride told him that there was nothing Will could do to possibly harm him.

"l seek the void as I traverse the finite. I seek the infinite as l walk down the path. Seek ye truth but seek not fallacy, for l seek not fulfillment, only the Dao.

Will's voice sounded ephemeral as it spread into surroundings. Be it Alexa, her friends or the old man, everyone was somewhat entranced by Will's chant. For the old man, it was even worse, because he could even feel some strange energy bubbling all over his body, he was stumped as to what this energy was.

'What the fuck is happening to me!'

All of a sudden, a whirlpool appeared in the old man's body. A sword made out of pure energy came from within. The old man discovered that he couldn't even move an inch despite his best efforts. It was if every single cell of his body had been nailed down. He couldn't even scream for help. Not that anyone could help him.

The sword tore a hole in his dimension, appearing in front of Will. The hole it made was repaired instantly. Will grinned as he took the sword in his free hand. The terror in the old man's eyes was evident.

"Solitary Sword sovereign, first concept."

Will didn't waste a second as he stepped forward and struck at the old man.

"Sword Kaiser!"

The sword produced a beam of energy which made a large tear through the dimensions, striking at the old man. The moment it traveled through the tear, the gap closed itself, as if it had never existed.

Will dusted himself as the Kaiser Sword disintegrated into nothingness. He then dusted himself off while saying, "I have always had issues respecting the elderly, tsk tsk Will Chamberlain you should know better." Will shook his head with a look of disappointment as if he was actually disappointed in himself.

Afterward, he made his way towards the Senbonken hotel while waving at Alexa and co, "Hey guys, what are you waiting for? The ass kicking is over!"

Alexa looked at Will, she opened her mouth, but before she could say anything Taiga smoothly interrupted her, "I assure you I know nothing as well."

Alexa looked towards Ibrahim, hoping to find reprieve, only for the latter to simply shake his handsome head.

"Let's go." With a sigh, Gabby motioned for the eagle to head back to the hotel.