Death Match

Merlin folded her tiny arms onto her flat chest and giggled, "Hoho, intimidated by us are you? Well then tough luck, the orders are final." Merlin was happy that Will was chickening out. Alas it was not her day today.

"No dumbass, I meant fighting one by one is retarded, ima just fight all of them and save time." Will's words managed to make the ever chomping Woodsy stop her meal. The room became incredibly silent after Will's declaration.

Everyone here was a proud fighter, so they took Will's words as a boast and an insult to them. The atmosphere became grim as everyone glared at Will. Even the ever cool, but still good looking, Ibrahim was visibly not pleased. Letty smiled wryly, but did not disagree with Will's words. At the same level, no one on this planet was a match for Will. With his abilities, Will would easily be able to defeat 100 people at the same level, let alone 10.

Alexa was silent for a moment, then stared at Will. "Are you sure young man?"

"Yup, it's not that hard." Said Will while stretching his back. Will was completely relaxed despite the fact that the majority of the room was staring daggers at him. If looks could kill, Will would be dead a thousand times over. Letty believed the tension in the room could be cut with a knife, that's how thick it was. Just as she was about to say something to calm people, a voice interrupted.

"Alexa, I will only agree to such terms if its a death match." The source of this voice was Ibrahim, putting extra weight behind his words. From his team the only person who didn't fear him was Alexa. No one in the group doubted that the person closest to becoming a Supreme Candidate was him. Even among the current candidates only one or two people could best him in a fight. It was only due to extenuating circumstances that he lost his right as a candidate and had to fight back for it.

"I agree"

"Me too."

"I second his motion."

"Brother you done fucked up."

Everyone voiced their agreement to Ibrahim's terms. They were thoroughly offended and wanted to teach this boy a lesson. They believed by making it a death match, Will would be scared off by the fact that he could die.

Will showed as a shocked face as he said, "Wait, it wasn't a death match in the first place?" Once again the room fell deathly quiet. Ibrahim's eyes became like slits as he oozed murderous intent from his body.

"Well then, since it's like this, then let us do this in a more spacious place then. For now let us rest, we will do this tomorrow." said Alexa.

Before Will even spoke the others all stood up to go find an empty room. As this used to be a hotel it wouldn't be hard. Letty had used the system to restore the rooms to their former glory so everything was in order. Letty looked at Will with a slight frown. The suspect merely shrugged his shoulders and walked out as well. Except he had no intentions of resting, like always he decided he would spend the night training. Before he left he heard Letty's nervous voice.

"Master, we need to talk, about my past."

A look of anguish and hatred flashed upon Letty's face. Will hand't placed much importance on her history so he didn't bother. He had thousands of minds so he would not forget such an issue, he simply didn't care. This was also a test for Letty, to see if she would take the initiative to act, and act she did. Will had a cheeky grin on his face as he motioned for her to speak.

At the moment the duo were in a hallway, which made Letty slightly uncomfortable. "Master, we should choose a more appropriate place to speak.

Will scoffed and waved his hands. A slight chill pervaded Letty's body and wenr into the surroundings. "Now we can talk, no mortals besides us can listen in, you have my word."

Will's arrogant declaration shocked letty to her core. Will was confident that only immortals could listen in on their conversation. Will already had an inkling of the upper limits of mortals. His thousands of minds were constantly taking in information, making deductions. Using the SSS manual as the main refference, Will had a rough idea of what the average mortal could do with Intent. It was a revelation he had made recently, but it was only a deduction, nevertheless Will was confident in his thoughts, otherwise, his thousands of partitions would be for show.

Up in the skies, Adelda looked on at Will and scoffed, "Arrogant fool." Modus' voice entered her eyes, drifting in the wind. "He has the stock to back up his arrogance. You are only angry because you know he is right hehe." Adelda snorted, not even bothering to check where Modus' voice came from.