A While Back

Let's go back to an hour ago.

Most people are not aware of this but intent has many uses outside of that. One particular use is the aspect that Will refers to was –smell. Now, intent is the amalgamation of one's desires or one's will power. Of course, as it is the amalgamation of all of these, its almost like an identity, like a fingerprint if you will.

So intent is very different for people who live in different areas, for example, if one who lived on earth was to go another planet such as Eridium. Any intent Master from Eridium could tell just from the earthling's intent that they are different, and this is what Will refers to as the intent smell. And that is how Will was able to tell the Letty was not someone from earth because the smell was unlike anything he had ever seen.

Modus and Adelda were far too strong for Will sense their intents but the monsters inside the dungeon had their own intents as well. Even though they were beasts, they were still very intelligent and had the potential to use intent. Will believed that they were still too weak to do so, nevertheless Will could tell that these creatures were not from earth due to the smell their bodies radiated. So Letty emitted a smell from intent that was quite different to people from earth. Not only that but intent also somewhat helps people identify character.

If you are a person who is cruel, evil and nasty, the intent around you reflects those thoughts but in a very minor way, so one has to be a very, very careful user of intent. Careful is not the right word, or rather, the correct word to use. Because if one was to become a masterful user of intent, One would be able to tell another person's disposition.

When Will looked at Letty, the royal disposition from her body oozed out into the environment giving Will the idea that she was indeed Royalty. That combined with the fact that her smell was one of someone who is not from earth allowed Will to realize that she was Royalty from another planet.

Now the use of this smell is just like how ordinary smells are used. Smells can be traced and Will was planning on using this intent smelling trait to track someone down and that person was Duke.

Duke was busy minding his own business in his house, when a silhouette flashed before him. Duke got spooked out and shouted, scarred witless out of his chair and fell to the ground. Will raised his hands harmlessly and said "Wow, woah, bro relax. I am not here to attack you or anything," Said Will with his hands raised in a rather harmless manner.

"It's me that guy you met in the dungeon, remember? Will, I don't know if you remember me?"

Duke stood up and looked at Will with a strange look on his face. In his mind he was screaming, "How could I not remember you?"

Will left an everlasting memory in Duke's mind because he was one of the most powerful beings he had ever seen. Will was able to dispatch a dungeon node with one swing of a sword and it was effortless. Duke could never be able to forget this. Nevertheless, Duke kept this part of the information to himself and didn't say it to anyone.

All he told people was that a mysterious expert who he could not see or identify took care of the bear, but he didn't disclose any other piece of information. Since Will was not yet well known, Duke wanted to get into Will's good books by keeping the information private, but unfortunately, Will did not notice his effort and frankly didn't care. What he did care about however was what Duke had told him.

After Duke calmed down the duo sat in front of each other and begun a discussion. Will stared Duke in the eye and said "Look, dude, I need your help, I heard that you were an information broker last time we met, so I want to see if you can help me out with a little bit of a situation. Of course, if you can help me, I am going to help you in return."

Duke was ecstatic. Will was undoubtedly a powerhouse he was asking for his help. He didn't know what to do or say. Now before he could finish, Will raised his hand and said "Now before you think of disagreeing, I will tell you a little bit about myself. I am currently level 74. I am very confident that I am gonna pass level 100 and I am also very confident that I am going to have massive domain within North America, if you agree to help me out, then you will probably be able to achieve more than you have so far."

Duke was gobsmacked by Will's information. The fact that he was level 74 was a massive shock. Since Will was level 74 it meant that Will was a Lord and as he was a Lord, he had an entire area that's to himself.

Duke gulped and nervously asked Will "If you do not mind my asking ummmh, what area do you control?" Will grinned and said, "Oh basically what we all used to call Miami but is called B thirty-something, I don't remember and I don't care, either way, are you in or are you out?"

Duke didn't even hesitate to answer and shouted: "Yes I am in, definitely in, but I am not sure how I am supposed to help you?" Then Will grinned slyly "Well I can think of a few ways you can help me. For starters, do you know a dude called Klopp? Also, my name is Solitary Sword Sovereign."

It was night time, and Will was doing his usual routine, during practice swings. To be honest, such a routine had no major benefits to Will, but he still did the swings every night. Each swing being carefully observed and scrutinized by the horde of Will's minds. This information will then be used to attempt the exact same swing with the same speed and motion. An incredibly difficult task, but Will's obsession with the way of the sword bordered across fanaticism.

Now that he had the power and a chance to get stronger he started going ham. Well also took this time to think about other things, and one such thought sprouted at this moment…

"I need to recruit Duke!"