Higgs Boson

Will was having the time of his life in his own head at the moment. He was confident that what he was experiencing was more enjoyable than sex, granted all he had ever done was man to gland action. Nevertheless, Will kept on learning and learning and learning.

In the beginning, it was not that much fun. It was like a genius learning the alphabet again. After a while, however, true problems he could not solve appeared, and when he solved one, one would take its place, waiting to get solved when one of the minds had sufficient knowledge to solve it.

Will was not randomly learning physics. He had a theory, one he wanted to confirm, once he confirmed that he caught onto some clues that his theory could be confirmed Will's mind went into a frenzy. 4 topics caught his eye. 4 that could make his theory true!

"Dark matter, Dark Energy, The Higgs field, and Antimatter!"

Will dove into any and all knowledge on these four topics. From research papers to textbooks to online manuscripts of the discussions. Hidden within the mountains of books were countless laptops, each being manipulated by a watery hand, looking up countless topics of research on these four topics.

Unfortunately, these topics were cutting edge and were not properly understood yet. Dark Matter and Dark Energy could not even be measured because all that was seen was their effects, not what they were made off.

The Higgs Boson, which proved the existence of the Higgs Field had been proven to exist. Anti-matter could be created by a decent particle accelerator like the hydron collider.

Will's theories all came from one idea. Could modern day earth science be bridged with his understanding of his abilities? Especially The Solitary Sword Sovereign Manual. Will managed to bridge many of the ideas from the manual with these four topics!

It was as if he had gained a decoder to help him understand the manual better, allowing him to make great strides into understanding the manual and the techniques within.

As time went on Will started to notice his body vibrate in a strange frequency. This vibration carried on into his meridians, allowing his cultivation to soar within seconds. This speed of cultivation was not unfamiliar to, it was similar to when one made a major level up, except the strange vibration would not be there in leveling.

'Could this be enlightenment? That which can only occur and not be sought after?'

Will quickly calmed down his excitement. How many times had he read novels of something similar happening to the many protagonists in those books? Will had to quickly calm himself from having a nerdgasm. He had no idea if what he was having was true enlightenment or something else. Either way, it was beneficial, and it started while he was calm and cultivating his mind. So Will decided to keep doing what he was doing. That was the best way he felt he could take advantage of this strange phenomenon.

Will also realized that this strange thought made his thought process much more efficient. If he was a river, then many an obstruction had been removed, his water could now flow freely and go where it wanted.

Will read, watched, and replayed the techniques of the manual in his mind as he got deep into these four topics. It was a wonderful sensation. Will could also feel the changes in his dantian. He saw the change it went through, but he allowed it to go ahead and proceed freely.

As time went on, the beach within his dantian became more tangible. There were caves, big rocks, palm trees, and a small hilly grassland that went on for as far as the eye could see.

Will sunk himself into this sensation and his cultivation, both physical and mental. Unfortunately, all rivers flow to their ends. The vibration came to like how it came. Like a ghost in the night. Will could still continue his mental cultivation, but he had now reached a wall, one he couldn't pass for a long time. Not to mention he know what was waiting for him outside. Will sighed and opened his eyes. Alexa and co stood with their arms crossed. The morning sunlight managed to somehow creep in between the towers of books and papers.

Will stood up and patted himself, "Hey guys, thanks for waiting."

Alexa replied, "No problem, I had no doubt you are a prudent man, although this," Alexa looked around the penthouse, "Does strike me as a little odd Solitary."

Will shrugged and got his sword into its scabbard of ice, "I don't mind being weird, at least it makes me different. Unique if you will."

Alexa's mind was racing, just what purpose did Solitary have for placing all these books in here? Not to mention the other filled rooms.

'Does Solitary have some way of reading books in that manner? A sensory skill?'

She wanted to have a serious discussion with Taiga about this but now was not the time. They had work to do. Nothing was more important than work to her.

"Solitary, have you made your decisions?" questioned Alexa. Will grinned, "Of course, girls and boys, its time to go for some hunting, who's with me?"