Why are you laughing?

"My dad made me take a few classes. The most troublesome language I had to learn so far. By miles."

Will shrugged and continued dragging the dead bodies as if it was nothing. The reactions were all pretty much in the same category of emotions. Anger, disgust, hate, shock, and fear. It was a different mixture of different people's faces.

Mein's face shifted until it settled on anger and he bellowed, "Boy, you are courting death?"

"Ehem, no I'm courting adelda. Thanos and Deadpool are the ones courting death. Can't blame them, her body is fly for days!"

The others all raised a brow in confusion, except for one man, "That was actually funny, but eh, who is this adelda?"

The fat Fuhrer was the one who had spoken.

Will's face instantly became ugly when he heard this, "Ask yo mama, fat ass. You ruined the whole thing! You are not supposed to get it! That's the joke…" Will's back hunched slightly, sighing.

Mein couldn't care less and pointed at Will, "Don't say that word. I don't want to hear that word, it's rude!"

The gears in Will's mind clicked and an idea came to his head. "Sorry buddy but I can say it. I have a fat license. I can say it whenever I want."

"Hmm? What is a fat license?" asked an intrigued Mein.

Will answered with a sly grin, "You know, its like a nigga license. Like how only black people can say nigga, only fat people can call other people fat."

Mein immediately retorted, "Nein! You are not fat!"

Will bellowed, "I used to be until I was 13! So I have the license. For life!"

Mein crossed his chubby arms and said, "There is no 'used to be black', so no license! Either way, you are dead meat. You kill my men, infringe upon my own home while I have guests! Who do you think you are?"

"Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. Solitary Sword Sovereign. Nice to meet y'all." Will did a slight bow and tipped his imaginary cowboy hat, which for some reason, everyone could see just fine…

"I've never even heard of you. What do ye?" Mein lied straight off the bat. He wanted to lower Will's morale. Unfortunately, his words had the opposite effect.

Will touched his chin with his free hand and said, "Y'all were just talking about me. I heard you from far away. Now you have the cajones to lie about me in front of me, means you are scared of me. Wow, look at that. Oh and to answer your questions, I'm here for a snitch. I want to add her to the collection behind me.

Will turned feral, killing intent billowing out of his body like lava from a volcano. Everyone in front took at least one step back subconsciously. Of the weak-willed, one tripped back.

Everyone moved backwards, but for one girl. She was wearing bikini-like clothes even though she wasn't that curvy. She had a masculine face with a chest to match. She made for an uncomfortable sight.

Shaniqwa didn't step back, and this caught the attention of the others. She started sweating bullets on the spot. In cartoons that would have been normal, but not in reality. In reality, that would creep people out. She drenched her body in seconds, catching everyone's attention. It was at this point that Mein realized something and was about to speak when Will interrupted him.

"By the way, these guys over here," Will shook the water rope he was holding, "These guys kind of threatened to kill me, I don't take well to that sort of thing."

"Even if you had a grudge with Mein Kampf, there was no need to kill innocent people! They are not being themselves!"

According to logic, Will should have answered to those accusation. Honestly though? He felt too lazy after all that had happened this last week. He just picked his nose and walked up the steps slowly.

"Oi, didn't you hear what she said? Speak up!" shouted Rhino, completely forgetting that the same man had forced to take a step back a few moments earlier. It was almost as if everyone had forgotten that he had scared them, all of course except one.

Will frowned and said, "Bi-…Female, did you not hear what I said? Listen! You walking stalker! Yeah, I see how you been looking at Aurora, in fact, all of the women who aren't nazis have the hots for her. Shit, this is a dike association. Anyway like I said, they tried to fucking kill me. It was kill on sight, no warning, no alert, just boom we are here to kill a random nigga. How the heck does I have the time to go to the attic and check my moral compass? Nigga please!"

"That's an excuse and you know it. With your skill, you could have dodged. I wish there were fewer assholes like you more people like Aurora sigh." Rhino palmed her face.

"You mean you wish you could lick her asshole. Seriously I bet you guys ass kiss her so much I can find lipstick prints on her booty," said Will.

This time Mein Kampf couldn't hold back his laughter, and his followers followed suite.

Aurora and her crew blushed in anger.

Will stopped halfway through in an abrupt manner and looked at Mein, "I am slowly walking over there to kill you, why are you laughing?"