A Maid Nigga

Mein's Nazi's form a passage with their bodies. Indicating that the that Will was supposed to pass in between them. Aurora and her crew thought that Will would say or do something to get this removed, be he did not. He dragged the corpses forward and went straight for Mein. The passage starts by the stairs and ended with Mein.

"You are a fool blinded by false dreams of grandiosity."

Mein rubbed his fat belly and chortled. "Oh my, I didn't expect you to be someone so serious. One could even say dark."

Will walked up the passage smoothly, with his collection of bodies in tow. Due to the bodies, the passage was forced to widen as Will got higher.

Will got closer and closer to Mein with a sneer plastered on both their faces. Will spoke in a smooth voice. Simple and clearly unhurried.

"My mind shines even when my thoughts seem dark."

Mein could not help but nod at the wordplay. But Time waits for no man. Even a Lord. Eventually, Will got with a few meters and stopped.

Mein looked at the corpses behind Will and snorted in disdain fused with anger. "How do you want to do this?"

Will smiled widely and said, "I, Solitary Sword Sovereign, hereby challenge Mein Kampf for the seat of Lord."

Wills actions were well within Mein Kampf's expectations. There is no way he would fight Mein at his home ground, where any of his minions could but in.

Kampf returned Will's smile with his own. His eyes staring straight into Will's eyes.

"I accept."

Adelda and Modus stood above the others, way out of their sight, simply observing. Modus looked at Adelda and said, "What do you think the corpses are for?"

Adelda looked baffled, "My Lord, I know nothing that you do not already know."

"Bah! You are just lazy to think. I'm sure it has something to do with his enlightenment." said a slightly annoyed Modus

Adelda spoke trying to placate her Master, "Perhaps he got the answers he sought."

Modus shook his head and said, "One's first enlightenment isn't necessarily about answers, but about questions. What question did this young man ask? We can only wait and see."

The duo looked on at the proceedings below with eagerness in their eyes. Like a child observing an interesting group pf ants.

"The challenged is the State Lord. Due to this, the challenge will occur within his Zone of Influence. Do you accept?"

A prompt appeared in front of Will. He squinted his eyes and said, "I accept."

Zone of Influence, a dimension that is separate from ours and has its laws and functions determined by the user. Even demonic beast bosses have one. It is an important part of human and beast cultivation.

There are Prerequisites for having a Zone. First is that one be at least a Sate Lord. The second is the materials. Rare and powerful materials get you a better Zone. The third and most important aspect is that one's attainment of Martial Harmony will affect the control over one's Zone. For example, a person who has completed only 50 percent martial harmony can only control 50 percent or less of their Zone. The rest is determined by the success of their State and the quality of materials.

A Zone had plenty of effects, but they are mostly auxiliary. They amplify or debuff people within them according to the Zone attributes. If rare materials are used they can also have special traits or abilities.

Will was instantly transported to Mein Kampf's zone. It was an abandoned battlefield within a city. Similar to what one would expect a city to look at after being bombed and invaded. The moment Will was there, a voice entered his mind. It sounded Mein's voice but was more mechanical

"You have entered Mein Schlachtfeld. Spell power reduced by 5 percent. World Energy recovery reduced by 10 percent. Special Trait, Mein Armee activated."

Will frowned when he heard these numbers. He had also researched all system-related abilities he could access the night before. According to his understanding, a Zone of Influence with these numbers should exist on earth.

'I'm missing something.'

It was clear that more foreigners had interfered in Earth affairs, but there was nothing Will could do about it. The two debuffs were no issue, it was the special trait that bothered Will.

From his memory, Will remembered that Mein Schlachtfeld meant my battfield. Mein Armee meant my army.

'This zone has something to do with his army. The question is what? An idea entered his mind, but an attack was headed his way, sensed by aqua sense. It was a large fireball the size of a house. Will had no choice but to dodge and focus on his foe, who only proved his conjecture. The corpses had also joined Will into the Zone as they were deemed a part of him, due to some action Will had taken

"To be honest, I don't know whether to call you stupid or brave, Either way, it is fine. I will crush you all the same and have you join my army. I think we have an opening for the cleaning department."

The fireball caused a blast to clear a small area, which Will appeared in, still holding his corpses. Will looked up and sneered at Mein.

"Well since I'm a maid nigga," Will drew his sword with his free hand and pointed the blade at Mein, "Then I should dust something."

Will was actually ecstatic. Because he had finally come to a place where he could test the answer he came up to a question that had been nagging him for a while. If his True Strike was deemed as a Warrior's True Strike, then what does a Mage's True Strike look like?