
"It's time, fatty. Say your last words..." muttered Will as he increased the pressure on the sword oh so slightly. The fatty was too busy crying to even hear what Will was saying, much to the chagrin of the latter.

Will opted to slap the fatty's cheeks with the flat of the blade to gain his attention and said, "Killing you would stain my steel. You are unworthy of dying by its edge. Count yourself lucky." Will was exuding a daunting aura but inwards he was having a nerdgasm.

'I said it! I actually said it! One more scratched off the bucket list.'

Will had a list with cheesy punchlines he wants to say at least once to a foe, especially if there is a public to see. This was not for his pride, nor was it to look cool. If Will was going to be an MC then surely he must say MC stuff, right? Or so he thought.

The fatty screamed in delight and hugged Will's leg. "Thank you! Thank you! I will do anything to please you, master! Anything!"

"Don't call me master, nigga! That is just nasty! Besides, I said those things just to sound cool. I mean, everyone has wanted to say those kinds of lines, yeah?"

The crying fatty let go of his face and looked at Will with a strange face.

'Did he just say that? Wouldn't telling me all this undo the cool he worked for?'

The fatty's odd stare was completely ignored by Will as if it were nothing but air.

"Okay. On a more serious note, I really won't kill you," Will sheathed his sword and said "But like my brother always said, there is no such thing as free pussy. Now tell me, who is your partner, where are they, and tell me if there are any major powers backing you."

The fatty started to nod his head like a chicken pecking corn and said, "Of course! Of course! I will tell you anything you need to know."

Will gave him a few instructions in a hushed tone. The fatty was a bit surprised by his orders but shook his head nonetheless. After that, he stood up and ran back into his home. Will then turned his attention to the girls, or rather Rhino in particular.

"Aurora Phoenix, you are truly gorgeous. Indeed worthy of being the country's number one beauty."

It was clear to the girls that Will was confused here. But so were they. Granted that Rhino was beautiful but she paled in comparison to Aurora. Rhino was even slightly overweight in her butt area, much to her chagrin. She wished day and night to have Aurora's proportions and big breasts, her flawless skin and big blue eyes.

Rhino had a flame-like mohawk hairstyle and quite a few piercings. She wore clothes similar to what soldiers would wear to active duty, minus the hat and jacket. Instead, she had a vest that was filled with tiny compartments filled with weapons. Guns, knives, grenades, she had everything. They often called her the walking armory behind her back.

She had a few scars on her face, making her look ferocious. But to Will, none of that mattered. He was a strict and cultured man who followed a strict creed. All with booty must be worshipped. None must be shunned! Everything is permitted!

Will was well aware who the real Aurora was due to Aqua Sense. Not to mention it was pretty obvious who the 'world' would deem more attractive. Will could sense the arrogance and pride between Aurora's brows. Men everywhere must have given her all the attention she could ever want, hence, he had to bring her down a peg or two.

As soon as she had realized who he was, she had moved to improve her clothing and look. It was a subconscious action, but Will caught it none the less.

'So she wants to seduce me eh? She isn't even my type.'

Will was a huge fan of tomboys, tattoos, and piercings. Innocent maiden-looking girls... not so much.

Will quickly grabbed Rhino's hand and kissed it, "Miss Aurora, you have enchanted me. Would you mind telling me your real name?" As Will spoke, he suffused his voice with water intent. As far as Rhino was concerned, she had only one thought.

'Peerless kissed my hand! Peerless kissed my hand! Peerless kissed my hand! Peerless kissed my hand! Peerless kissed my hand! Peerless kissed my hand! Peerless kissed my hand! Peerless kissed my hand!'

Rhino's respect for Aurora bordered upon fandom, but her worship for Peerless was sky-high. She respected strength far more than anything else. Rumors of Peerless' strength made her look at him the way one looks at a celebrity or the way a nerd would look at a pornstar.

Especially when he sent his worldwide broadcast. She was stunned. Just how much power did he have to be able to do that? Not to mention he had a level that was much lower than hers. It was absurd. If he was this strong, then how strong would he be when he was at her level?

And now, she had seen him destroy one of the most difficult zones known. Actualy scratch that. The man had destroyed a zone. What did that even mean?

Mein's Zone was infamous. Mein Armee was a troublesome ability, and Mein, in his arrogance, had revealed what his zone could do. He had even gotten a few respectable scouts to try their hand at it: all one had to do was challenge him and admit defeat.

Will didn't just defeat Mein, he defeated an army!

Rhino was interested in Norse mythology and Viking culture. She was in particular interested in an old shield maiden tradition. They would only marry a man who bested them in battle. So her dream was for her wedding to be a battle she loses. Quite a unique woman. So when Will kissed her hand, her dream went from complete fiction to somewhat plausible if she played her cards right!

Will's intent however quickly stunned her. It felt like she was being doused in cool, refreshing water. She gained clarity of mind, but the refreshing feeling coming from Will was intense so she entered a sort of trance.

"I'm Ashley," Rhino said, blushing slightly. Aurora's expression was ugly due to Rhino shamelessly going on with the farce, but her followers were even more stunned. Rhino was blushing! Fuck me twice! That was on everyone's mind.