For the gods! For Olympus!

Unfortunately for the powerhouse, it was no goddess—just a run of the mill beauty, at least to him it would be. Modus had seen far too many beauties to be moved by the women of earth. One could even say that he was no longer sexually attracted to anything. And he didn't mind. Sex used to be fun, but he had explored the ins and outs of it, and he didn't believe in nonsense like true love.

He did, however, believe in the power of chaos. He was cooking up a storm as he munched on his ice cream. He suddenly felt the urge to buy a gelato and try that as well.

"I see, more milk and less cream, delicious."

"Okay master, we have information on the entire area and have created a map. Alice." Said Letty as she gestured to Alice.

One of Alice's new abilities was Projection. She could create a 3-dimensional projection filled with whatever details she wanted. She got the raw data from Duke and completed a masterpiece. It was incredibly detailed. This wasn't just because of her ability, but because she had gotten a lot of data from Duke and Letty. Merlin and Woodsy nodded in approval. If you wanted to take down the Empire, then you at least had to have this type of class.

Will had informed the duo of his plan to beat down the Empire after he was sure that they had destroyed the pills that were restricting them. Both had no love for the Empire, so they agreed, they both now felt confident in their abilities and wanted a place to test them out, and this was the perfect place.

They both felt that with some more levelling, they could easily take on a supreme. This was because of the silver and bronze gates they had passed through. Will claimed that he could send 6 more people through. That meant that with time he could create a force on par with the supremes without the weight of an empire to hold them down.

Will expressed to the duo that he had no intention of taking over the world. He revealed his identity as Peerless, much to the shock of Merlin. Woodsy said she figured it out in the gate. This wasn't something she learned from the gate so she could say it.

His proposal was attractive because he was the Infamous Peerless Dao Master, that and the gates made the duo review just how much firepower Will had. Woodsy also surmised that Will had other tricks up his sleeve and talked to Merlin in secret to which the latter agreed. There was far more than meets the eye.

Even Letty and Alice. They were too damn gorgeous. Seriously how can humans look so good? Merlin was envious of the taller Alice while Woodsy was jealous of Letty's ridiculously slim waist, as compared to her chubby stomach.

Two unreal beauties, the gates, the identity of being the number 1 sovereign and an incredible grasp of how to use and apply skills. At his level, they were all thrashed, badly. His identity as the number 1 Sovereign was not for show. But he claimed that he had never entered one of the gates. If that was true, how did he get so damn strong? Little did the duo know…they ain't seen nothing yet.

Duke was taking his time taking down shamans while Will was talking to Woodsy, Alice and Letty.

"Ladies, you are the smartest people here. Letty, you grew up in the system and have valuable experience as a guide. Alice, you have a Class for handling information. You can also absorb knowledge far faster than most, so you will have a good application of data. Woodsy, you went through the gate of knowledge and learned all kinds of things related to what you needed to know, from cultivation, spells, healing and all sorts of things. You are our number one source of information. So if all three of you put your minds together, you will be awesome!"

Alice smiled shyly while Letty cooly nodded. Woodsy, for some odd reason, started shadow boxing. After a few seconds, she shouted,

"Yeah! I'm ready, Boss!"

Will found this hilarious, "That's what I want to hear (lol). Now let's have a little chat about what we know and where we go from here. We will go in this order. Letty, Woodsy then Alice."

The trio started taking it out while Will also did some of his own thinking, although unlike them, he came to a conclusion in seconds. This thinking was focused on his own actions, after all, their primary purpose was to level up fast.

The girls walked over to him after half an hour. They all seemed to have eyes filled with some sort of resolve Will could not understand. He was, after all, a super smart 20-year old using a 15-year-old's knowledge as his base.

'Did they talk about something else?'

"Okay ladies, tell me what you got for me." The past half an hour was incredibly dull for Will, so he was getting jittery because he had a plan of action for himself. He wondered if the girls thought like him.

Alice created a massive three-dimensional map, one much more detailed than her previous one, and it covered much more land.

Alice started speaking, "According to the information Letty had gathered from here sources, we believe that the best course of action is that we raid nearby villages while you go to the unending battlefield! We will grow in three-"

Will interrupted her and said, "That's wanted to hear! I knew I could depend on you guys. So just take me there!"

Alice and the guys were a bit annoyed. They had set up an excellent presentation and everything. But now…

Woodsy said, "All you have to say is this."

Alice projected the words as she was not supposed to go there.

Will smiled. "Letty, I'm placing you as regent, Woodsy is second in command! Merlin is to take charge of our military. I want this place grown by tomorrow! Don't forget about the dudes in the cacoons. I'll be back in a bit. For the gods! For Olympus!"

Will's body shined with white divine light and disappeared in a skyward stream of light.