
Mount Olympus, home to the Greek pantheon of gods. Soliciting users within the system to help them was actually their own idea. They approached System Administrators like Modus and asked to make their worlds into dungeons. Warriors get treasure and experience while they gain help.

But the war was not simply defence. The main chunk of users are involved with the infinite siege attacking the mountain. The next group join fortresses cities or nations. There were rumours that there was an even higher level but rumours were, at the end of the day, rumours.

The Titans had few weaknesses but were often were huge and slow, giving the gods time to send out advance armies to procure those materials. The unending battlefield wasn't even needed, it was just there to test the strength of those who were designated as special. Only someone who had some achievement would be up for review, then after a lengthy review process, they would be assigned to a mission that they can also benefit from as well. Such people were called Cadets.

Within one of the large conference rooms at the top of the mountain, the lower gods were having a meeting.

They were all incredibly beautiful men and women dressed in robes of all kinds, some adorned with bling while others literally had a birds nest growing on their heads.

"I have important news!" A cute young goddess ran into the room.

At the head of the table sat Hercules. In his legends, his body split into two. The divine half went to Olympus whilst the mortal one went to the underworld.

Hercules was, for lack of a better word, herculean. His bulging muscles had veins on veins. There were taller gods, there were buffer gods, but Hercules just oozed an aura of pure power.

Hercules was doing some press-ups on the floor. The cute goddess was dumbstruck. She had heard that he was addicted to working out. His muscles bulged and flexed like their own heartbeat. His square jaw was completely covered in a beard like Chuck Norris. Except he was young-looking and very handsome.

The young goddess coughed and realigned herself, doing all she could from having a nosebleed. He was the most desired man on Olympus. The most handsome one was someone else but he was so handsome he fell in love with his reflection.

On earth, Narcissus, in Greek mythology, was the son of the river god Cephissus and the nymph Liriope. He was well known for his beauty and charm. Some versions of the story state that Narcissus's mother was told by the blind seer Tiresias that he would have a long life, provided he never recognized himself. However, his rejection of the love of the nymph Echo or (in an earlier version) his rejection of Ameinias drew upon him the vengeance of the gods.

He fell in love with his own reflection in the waters of a spring and pined away (or killed himself); the flower that bears his name sprang up where he died. The Greek traveller and geographer Pausanias, in Description of Greece, Book IX, said it was more likely that Narcissus, to console himself for the death of his beloved twin sister, his exact counterpart, sat gazing into the spring to recall her features.

No one on the mountain knew what happened, but he was now a god on Olympus, forever gazing at his own reflection with a portable mirror. It was like he was taking an eternal selfy.

"Prince Hercules, we finally received a Solitary Sword Sovereign cadet!"

Hercules stopped working out and sat down. The others didn't need to know that they should sit down and shut up. Narcissus was more than happy to have peace and quiet so he could focus on how gorgeous he was. But he still paid attention, after all, Hercules was the one talking.

When the big 12 were not there, Hercules was king.

"Tell me more."

"Yes sir. His user name is Peerless Dao Master. He entered the unending battlefield teleporter. We sent him to the SSS battlefield as per protocol."

Everyone nodded. Certain cultivation methods were unique. They had so much respect that the respect would even bleed over to its users. It and millions of other special manuals gain preferential treatment on the battlefield. The system would link all users of the same technique together.

There were multiple benefits to this. Will was a good example. He wasn't simply slaughtering, he was observing the others. How did they use SSS energy? How do they apply their powers?

No one used a full technique like Sword Kaiser but elements of the techniques are there in one's movements. The core of Will's swordsmanship is to cut the core, bypassing all defence. This came to be because Sword Kaiser required one to think in a certain way. Will's Sword Kaiser and other techniques had improved. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for other SSS users observing him.

Usually one would spend at least a month or two on an unending battlefield. But Will was only here for less than a day! Will had over 2 million minds to process what he could observe. But others did not have that luxury.

"I came to report sir because he…he reached level 99, yet he entered the battlefield at level 80."

A red-haired man with a scar across his face whistled. Hercules raised a brow. "Very well. Place him to a good promised land. That will be all?"

Hercules couldn't resist any longer. He needed to do crutches, and these bastards were getting in his way? Who gives a shit if a mortal reached level 99. He had more important issues to worry about. He recently discovered that his left arm could lift arms 5 more grams than his right. The sheer horror of it all affected Hercules. It wasn't only Narcissus who cared about himself.

"Sir, most of the levelling was done with one swing of the sword."

The goddesses words stopped Hercules right in his tracks.

"Play a projection of the last attack he made." A quick level up like that means he would instantly be chosen as a Cadet and taken away, so it was obviously Will's final move.

A 3D projection showed up on the screen. It showed Will's horizontal True strike in full splendour.

Overpowering and dominant. Reaching far and wide in a 180-degree fashion with Will as the epicentre. At the beginning of the ripple of light, everything was disappearing, as if turning into nothingness.

"This, this is the power of Truth!"

Hercules could not help but smile. A high-quality SSS user who is a Truthseeker. He had been waiting for a thousand years for this! The others marvelled as the wave continued on in its wave of destruction.