A Choice to Make

"Destroy the pillar before you in any way you wish to. The pillars will measure every ability and skill you used and try to find a Restricted Combatant Avatar from its massive database of previous Avatars. For example, if you use a Fire-type spell you will get a fire type opponent.

If you use a Windforce technique fused with Intent you will receive an opponent who is at least capable of doing the exact same type of technique.

It's best to use all the attributes you have in one attack that will give you an opponent you can learn from, which will make you stronger by giving you a rough idea of how far you can go.

Imagine how many powerful warriors have passed these very halls and the halls of other grounds such as Valhalla and the like, each with countless dungeons modelled after them run by the Avatars of the very divinities they represent.

Every Warrior, Mage and Practitioner who fights in such an environment and performs well will gain an Avatar. A handful of you have even managed to have your Avatars recorded because you showed incredible skill or talent despite only being at Level 99. This is quite a feat.

So know that almost every type of combatant you can think of has been recorded by the Conquest System in dungeons like ours, and that we have access to do whatever we want with any of that knowledge. Include use it to create Avatars for tests like these."

At this moment, the users and pillars around Will disappeared into the void one by one. Only the red pillar and Adelda remained in Will's sensory range. The boy marveled in respect at the System's abilities. He knew that he was like a caveman impressed by fire to others but he couldn't care less. Life was too short to waste time on other people's thoughts.

"I have removed all distractions so you can focus on your opponents. Some of you can't control some of your more powerful abilities so you don't have to worry about large Area of Effect attacks or Domain type skills.

Some of you might also want to hide your skills so you can relax. No one can see anything except us System Controllers. The last reason this is done is to prevent some of you from interrupting others so this evaluation can proceed smoothly.

Now remember, whatever attributes you use in this skill will be the main attributes of the Avatar summoned. The Avatar will either have the exact same skill as the one you used or they will be proficient in those that are similar. Some might end up with an opponent who uses the exact same manual.

You have 10 minutes to attack the pillar ahead of you. Good luck. Remember; don't take your attack choice lightly."

The projection disappeared as if it didn't exist. Leaving a dumbstruck Will, who kept analyzing what Hercules had said.

'First is the information on 3 vessels. I know I have talent in intent and my soul force is also quite good, to the point that I can even cultivate when I'm not concentrating. Even the way I learned to induce energy into an attack for a True Strike isn't something a normal person can use.'

Will did not look like it, but he constantly had Aqua Sense on taking in information. Especially on battles.

He had witnessed multiple battles between players and demonic beasts at Miami. He had even come across multiple player vs player conflicts which he sometimes interrupted. In fact, the moment he finally got free from King Yama's Gate, he was faced with a damsel in distress scenario. This resulted in him swiftly decapitating the young men chasing the girl, causing her to faint in horror. But he didn't catch her. Why should he? She was alive right?

He had analyzed thousands of battles between many different types of opponents. The main reason was very simple. Knowledge was power! It also allowed him to always be maximizing the power of Dual Mind Propagation.

Will has made many deductions about how the Conquest System operates from analyzing all these battles. For one, he believed that the limit on abilities could have something to do with the quality of the vessel. E.g., Dual mind propagation can only be given to people who have naturally powerful minds.

Will had witnessed users with abilities like 'Inborn Divine Strength' and the like. Online there were countless videos about Classes skills and the System. There was even an entire school of thought dedicated to understanding how the Conquest System works and what its actual purpose is.

Hence Will already had a rough idea of what he wanted the most right now. Will was a True Water Meister and a Sword Expert with Dual Mind and Dual mind propagation. He already had a powerful soul and an even more powerful mind but his body was lacking. So he needed to improve the quality of his body. Right now he was losing far too much life force because of the discrepancy between his vessels. He did have a solution of course.

Before they had arrived, Will had absorbed the Primordial Refinement Manual. It was a physical cultivation technique of incredibly unorthodox methods.

This method increases the quality of your body by destroying the cells then forcefully reconstructing them. There are two methods of doing this.

Method one was by using materials. Method two involved using energies generated from one's own body. The Primordial Refinement Manual is common but hard to complete because the grade of bodily improvement is proportional to the quality of ingredients and one's tolerance to pain.

The materials used to refine one's body change your according to the energy type. E.g. if you use ice type materials to constantly refine yourself then you will end up with an Ice Type Acquired Constitution. This would be good if you had a class with attributes that go well with ice like water or yin or darkness, but if the Acquired Constitution clashes with your class you could end up dying from Cultivation Deviation.

The Primordial Refinement Manual was essentially a book that taught you to improve your body by 'cooking it.' And it had millions of recipes. Most don't have the mental ability not type to sift through the information let alone contain it. If an unqualified person was to learn the skill book nothing would happen. This was a failsafe to prevent fools from biting off more than they can chew.

Due to its unique and unorthodox nature, the Manual had no rating, because in the hands of someone unskilled it can produce a G+ user at best. While in the hands of powerhouses it can even match some SSS skills.

Will entered a bind. He did not have materials, but he did have something else. Radiant Energy and Bloodlust. Back on Earth, Will had started with method two. He already knew that he could use intent as energies. He used concentrated Bloodlust to harm himself and Radiant Energy to heal himself while practicing Primordial Refinement.

According to what he knew, Bloodlust could be accessed by anyone who had the Metal, Spirit and Space gates. Radiant Energy could be used by anyone who had the Water, Wood, Earth, Spirit and Space Gates. Will already understood long ago that he had access to his Metal and Water Gates thanks to his classes. But he believed he could further in tune his body toward the way of the sword further through these Gates.

Will assumed that he got Bloodlust from his Metal Gate and Radiant Energy from his Water Gate. Both powerful but completely opposing in nature. Yet no deviation occurred. Will assumed the Spirit Gate had something to do with it but he had no information on the topic.

Having his body turn more toward being of a Yin constitution made Will realize something. He was someone who was more yin than yang in both attributes and classes. Will had the Water, Metal, Spirit, Wood and Space Gates. Space was Neutral, while Wood was Yang. The rest were all toward the Yin side of the Spectrum.

'I need to face a Yin type Swordsman with Water, Metal Space and Sprit attributes with a focus on intent and Body Refinement. Do they even have someone like that?'

As time went on and Will kept on refining his body, he started to notice that it became much easier to execute his skills. The change was very small and gradual, but it was steady and carried a heavy momentum.

Hence since he could use both Radiant Energy and Bloodlust to cultivate his body he did. He was only able to do so for a few days but the results were miraculous.

Will had given up the body refinement Dan to Alice because he wanted to increase the quality of his body through his own way. Through grinding. And the Manual fit his needs nicely.

'I need a Primordial Refinement Cultivator who went down the path of these four elements, with either Water or Metal as the leading elements. Do they even have an avatar like that? Wait, then there is also that issue. There is also Truth.'