Opening The First Door!

"Peerless has done well to last. But this is the Seventh Son of Ha. The Seventh Scion. Peerless can't possibly last that much longer, even if it is just swordplay. Not to mention that physically he is still too weak."

Odysseus shook his head and said, "Your Highness, it's not that simple. While Jingsung Ha is dominating, no abilities have been used. Jingsung Ha excels at fighting while employing multiple abilities; hence his pure swordplay has been lagging.

On the other hand, Peerless has better Unorthodox Sword play that is incredibly adaptive. He hasn't moved more than a few centimeters from his original spot. All his movements have been within a radius of a few meters. But he has a poor understanding of how to use his other abilities, especially his Higher Senses.

If Ha doesn't change up his attacks, Peerless will adapt. Observe, it's already starting."








'Something is off.'

Jingsung Ha continued his barrage of swords but Will kept on blocking them. Not only that, but...

'The boy is adapting fast.'

Jingsung Ha could see the light in Wills eyes started to glow with. A zeal that hundred for battle. Yet at a same time, the boy's breathe had an odd chilly wind that showed cruel rationality.

'It's like he is a vicious best and calm machine in one.'

Will was starting to get the hang of things. He had intentionally limited his movements to force himself to his limits, but now his limits had been to a certain radius because he had a plan, and it started now.

"I have a rough idea of your movements. So let's get serious.'

As soon as Jingsung felt the World Energy around him become chaotic and Will's vicious smile, ha felt a cold chill down his spine.



"This is insane."

"To be able to open the first door below 100 isn't that shocking, but it should lead to this."

Wodin, Odysseus and the others were stunned by what they were seeing. For one simple reason, the roles of the fighters had changed.





Now it was Will who was 'suppressing' Jingsung with a barrage of swords with the latter not moving. Will intentionally restricted himself but Ha had no choice. He was not being given room to maneuver. Will was no longer just using his sword; he was now using his water as well!

Countless i.e. sheets were forming and being destroyed around the duo as Will used them to ping pong around his opponent. Will's footwork was nowhere near his opponent, but he had his own way of fighting. He was down playing swordsman.

Will had opened his First Door and the results were nearly instantaneous.

The 12 Doors were undoubtedly the most important meridians within one's body, particularly because one could only become an immortal once all 12 Doors opened. Before one started upon the path of cultivation their body would have a certain amount of Doors already opened. The number of opened Doors before cultivating determined one's talent. Will had six Doors open; thus, he was far above average in that regard.

The Doors were named 1st Door all the way up to the 12th, in the order they would be opened. According to cultivation laws, one was born with all 12 Doors opened, but exposure to the filth of the world resulted in the Doors clogging up. Some bodies resisted this filth better than others, like Will, resulting in them having quite a few Doors open when they began cultivating.

No matter how much of a prodigy one was, cultivation can only begin after childhood finished because one's body needed to handle the strain of World Energy.

Having open Doors was one thing, but utilizing them was a different story. For one to find and use the doors, one had to have a cultivation manual and an intricate understanding of the human body, including all its meridians and acupoints.

The Solitary Sword Manual was incredibly complex, giving Will quite the headache, but ever since he had gained over 1000 minds, he had been working non-stop on understanding what he could. So far, all he had understood was the most basic of methods such as how to utilize an opened Door and how to open others. Each Door could be utilized in innumerable ways, with some far-surpassing others. Suffice to say, the SSS manual had high-quality methods for opening and utilizing each Door.

Before, Will had circulated his yuan through normal meridians and not utilized any of the 8 Gates or the 12 Doors because he was unaware of how to. Experimenting was out of the question as it could lead to qigong deviation, a scenario in which energy went berserk and destroyed one's meridians, permanently ruining any chance of cultivating. This basic warning was present at the beginning of every manual.

The yuan in Will's body burst forth in billowing waves and surged around his body. If before the yuan traveling his body was like a trickling stream, now it was a raging river. Will knew that utilizing a Door would turn the tides but he held back until he felt he was comfortable.

Utilizing Doors could be likened to traveling. The moment one utilized a Door was like running for the first time. Running was much faster than walking; unfortunately, humans couldn't run their entire lives: they usually walked. The same principle applied to the Doors. Once opened, they offered immense strength- at a price. The energy in one's body would run out at a much faster rate.

Will had understood how to use the Doors months ago, but in order to avoid qigong deviation; he wanted to make sure he understood everything thoroughly before attempting to open a Door. The current situation had forced his hand, but fortune favored him.

Will immediately felt invigorated because opening the Door also awoke his mind. His concentration doubled, and his senses sharpened. Will took a deep breath as he quickly shifted a large portion of his brainpower into controlling his body. His yuan scrutinized each and every muscle fiber, molding them into an incredible harmony with the rest of his body.

It didn't take a genius for one to notice that a Door had been activated. It was usually accompanied by a large sure in World Energy. Hercules closely monitored Wills vitals and was impressed.

'He clearly started cultivating recently, and he is from a Lower World. This needs resources and a powerful Master. Showing Martial Harmony and opening Doors like it is breathing. Who is behind this boy… ?'

According to the information he had received from the System, Will was a fledgling cultivator who knew next to nothing on how to properly cultivate. Thus, it came as a big surprise when Will utilized such a power.

Hercules would be shocked if he knew that Will was even more surprised by the changes in his body!

This was not the first time Will had utilized a Door, but the feeling was nothing like when he opened a Door against Ignius. There was a big difference. At First Will was confused as to why this was happening, but one quick look and his environment told him everything he needed to know

'It's the water!'



Thank you to all the readers who have been with me since i started writing in 2014. There have been many ups and downs but theonionjunktion is back on track and will focus on this four books: Solitary Sword Sovereign (published from the18th of September), Titan's Throne (26th of September), Infallible Oathbreaker (3rd of October) and Conclave of Tyrants (10th of October)

Each of these stories will be published at least once a day 7 days a week. Titan's Throne and Solitary Sword Sovereign are in the same Multiverse so if you have read one but not the other i advise you read both in tandem. The same applies to Conclave of Tyrants and Infallible Oathbreaker. Please follow me on Facebook Instagram, Wattpad, Webnovel or Royalroad for more information, but Facebook is the central hub for now. Thank you for reading and enjoy. I always welcome comments anywhere anytime! Onion out!

Now a special shout out to a long time reader Bald Taoist from webnovel who recently pledged on Patreon and has been patient with me with my other readers. I am honored by your continuous support.

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