The Favorite

Adelda and Odin shifted their focus to the screen. It was showcasing two opponents just before the beginning of their match. One of the opponents was a dark themed Necromancer. He had multiple class related regalia such as a dark purple robe with a hood that covered the upper half of his face while he possessed a staff adorned with skulls and dark purple runes.

The Necromancer removed his hood, revealing an equally menacing face. He was bald, caucasian and had brown eyes. His face had cross crossing tribal tattoos while his large frame made his presence even more intimidating. Despite his rather menacing appearance, he was a shaking, because he knew that he had no chance in defeating the opponent before him. 

Standing a hundred meters from the necromancer was a knight adorned in ordinary brown leather armour. He held an ordinary long lance and leaned it against his shoulder. The lance was at least three time's the youth's height but oddly enough nothing seemed amiss from the picture. It was if the lad had held the weapon since he existed his mother' womb. 

He seemed no older than 20 years old but the maturity in his gzze did not fit his body. He was black, medium height and had a medium build. He had short dreadlocks that grew atop his head like pine trees on a tropical island. He had ordinary brown eyes and a stoic expression that made it seem as if he wouldn't care even if the world burned. 

He was not oozing any energy, intent or anything of the sort. All the black man did was hold his hand and stare at his caucasian opponent. Seemingly preparing himself mentally for what was about to come. 

Hercules' giant figure had already introduced the duo and moved on, signaling for the beginning of the match.


The necromancer raised his staff and hit the butt of the weapon on the ground. A large purple matrix dozens of meters wide appeared underneath the mage. A pillar of purple flames rose up from the matrix and assaulted the dreadlocked youth. 

The latter didn't even bother looking at the pillar and simply made a downward vertical slapping motion. Before anyone could register what had happened, a blinding flash of light flooded the arena.


A loud explosion accompanied by a dense shockwave of qi spread out into the surroundings. Within the smoke, the silhouette of the black youth snapped its fingers. From there, another shockwave appeared, clearing the dust and mist, revealing what was below. 

The Necromancer and the lance wielding youth were both fine. They were completely unharmed. But the match was already over. Except for the places where the two were standing, the rest of the entire arena floor had been decameted. Cracks and fissures surrounded the duo, and in some areas and earth had even melted to produce lava. 

The necromancer was panting with sweat dropping down his face. His shaky legs gave way as he knelt to the crowd. 

"I-I f-forfeit." 

It took all the necromancers will to utter just two words, but these words were like a spark that lit up a fireworks display. 

The crowd roared in elation as what they were expecting to occur happened. 

The deadlocked youth nodded and walked away. He was no longer interested in the following events and walked towards the entrance that had opened up on the side. Even though Hercules did not announce the results, there simply was no need to say anything. 

This scene had repeated itself already in the deadlocked youth's previous battle. Not only was he an absolute powerhouse with incredible fame, but he also had another important identity. 

"Every time I see that kid make a move I feel chills down my spine!" 

"A friend of mine had told me that there was a level 99 youth who could actually kill me. To this he was serious. It was worth it seeing the legendary kid in action."

"Anyone who is invited by Silverton Academy is a freak of nature. But this, this is…" 

The crowd buzzed with excitement as they discussed the future prospects of the battles to come. Because this boy was the tournaments undisputed favorite! 

When it came to deciding the tournament favorite, there was room to debate for some before the event had started, but observing the deadlocked youth in action had convinced the doubters. 

'He is even stronger than the rumors make him out to be.' 

'So this is the power of a prodigy Silverton scouted out.'

'No beginner can stand chance against that thing.'

Micahel and his Bellingham crew gulped as they found it difficult to swallow what was before him. 

'This is even worse than I thought. Silverton has placed many restrictions on him but he is still so hard to beat. Can I really catch up to him?' 

Michael bit his lip in frustration as he looked at the screen ahead. 

Natasha and her sisters were still reeling from Francis' incident, but even they could not help but be stunned by what they had witnessed. 

"All necromancer classes are at least B rank. Although that baldy was an idiot, he was still someone who could have defeated Francis. Sisters, never cross that man's path. I am no match for him. So I cannot save you from his wrath. Do not agitate him or his mistress. No matter what you do, is that clear?"

" Yes sister! "

Francis' was lying unconscious as her head was resting on Natasha's lap. She had been healed by Olympus and only needed to rest. Olympus heals all surging participants of the tournament, after all, she was needed for the expedition to Fafnir's grave. All participants were teleported to the locations they were in before they went to the unending battlefield. 

Just like Will, every participant here was in the unending Battlefield until they were sent to the Atlas 

Columns. Natasha and her sisters were on Olympus but in their own territory. One they had developed in the branded dungeon. Similar to how Will had taken control of Tsimikas, they also had a small base to operate from. 

It was from here that Natasha and her sisters were nervously awaiting for the end of the tournament. 

Adelda frowned as she observed the battle on the screen. The room was silent because everyone knew that Will was in truth no match for the deadlocked youth. But there was hope despite the seemingly desperate situation. 

'He is just a mortal from a Peak Middle World, but he already makes Sovereigns from Higher Worlds look like garbage. This is the power of the tournament favorite.' Adelda was highly doubtful that Will could beat the lad before him. 

'But he has limitations placed on him by Silverton. His body is the gifted, so limitations were placed on his skills to prevent his vessels from being unbalanced. . He can only use basic skills for now or he will destroy himself with his own power.' 

Hercules announced the winner after taking in what had happened. Even though the deity had seen countless talents, this was the first time he had ever seen such a highly talented user fighting at such a weak stage,  inhabited mostly by Lower World's. So he took more time reading the data that was coming in to make sure he did not miss a single detail. 

"Winner, Ulysses Rijkaard!"