Momentum: Hercules Delays

It was an intense atmosphere as artificial celestial light came down upon the coliseum, casting a harsh light upon the thousands of spectators who had gathered to witness the battle that was about to unfold. The air was thick with anticipation, and the roar of the crowd was deafening as they waited for the two combatants to begin.

In the centre of the arena stood two figures, each poised and ready for battle. Will, the surprising and mysterious dark horse, faced Indomitable Moon, the arrogant Crown Prince of Lycus and one of the tournament's top picks.

The tension in the air was palpable as they glared at each other, their auras crackling with energy. This clash of intangible energies caused the air around them to shimmer with a kaleidoscope of colours as their auras clashed and intertwined.

Will's blatant refusal of the Crown Prince's offer was like a grenade exploding in the minds of those in the crowd. Indomitable Moon had been angered and allowed his violent energy to come out.

In response to Will's response or lack thereof, Indomitable Moon released his bloodline and aura. And a remarkable bloodline it was at that.

In the world of martial arts and energy cultivation, there were legends of bloodlines belonging to of powerful beings, beings that could manipulate the elements, harness the energy of the cosmos, and wield their internal force like a never ending barrage. Among these lbloodlines, few in particular that struck fear in the hearts of all who heard them. The Unrelenting Hunt was one of them.

This bloodline of the Storm Wolf Deity Remus was not for the faint of heart or the weak of will, for it required not only physical ability, but Truthseeking talent and a hunter's mind-set. Descendants of Remus varied, but they were all placed under the category of stormwolves.

These beasts were not ordinary wolves; they were beasts that could manipulate the wind and moved with the grace and speed of the wind itself.

The bloodline of the storm wolves was ancient and powerful, thus those who possessed it were few and far between. But those who did possess it were feared and revered, for the bloodlines unique skill by the same name.

The Unrelenting Hunt was not just a skill; it was a way of life. Once marked by The Unrelenting Hunt, there is no escape, for the mark is like a homing beacon that follows its prey to the ends of the earth. Even teleportation and intangibility were no match for this skill, for the mark will always find its target.

The mark was not just a physical mark; it was a mark on the soul. Once marked, an individual was marked for life, and the only way to remove the mark was to defeat the one who marked them in a battle of wills and strength.

But defeating the one who marked you is no easy task because it involved the secrets of the soul and Truth.

This Unrelenting Hunt was not just physical strength; it was the power to manipulate the wind and move with the grace and speed of a storm wolf.

Those who possessed this power could move faster than the eye could see, dodge attacks that seemed impossible to avoid, and strike with the swift force of a hurricane. But the universe was fair. Every overbearing skill came at a cost.

Once one activated The Unrelenting Hunt, one cannot stop moving, or they will be injured by the overbearing nature of the skill. But for those who possessed the bloodline of the storm wolves, The Unrelenting Hunt was not just a skill; it was a way of life. They live for the thrill of the hunt, the chase, and the kill.

Will had been marked by Indomitable Moon, one of the strongest storm wolf scions and Veritas Core member, but he did not fear the mark. He was confident in his own abilities and knew that he could match Indomitable's power with his own skills.

'It seems storm wolves and I have some karma.' Will mused silently as he gathered his mana.

He stood calmly, building up his aura, and waited for Indomitable to make his move.

At first when Indomitable Moon had unleashed his bloodline, Will had only been a bit overwhelmed, thus he responded by releasing his own Frozen Asgard Energy.

Indomitable Moon stood with a vivid expression of vicious obsession plastered on his face, his red eyes gleaming with excitement. He gave off the feeling of a fierce and imposing figure. He was tall and muscular, with rippling muscles and red eyes that gleamed with an inner fire.

He is originally form-fitting black suit that became like a tight membrane accentuated his powerful physique, accentuating every curve and bulge of his powerful body. The fabric was soft and supple, and it clung to his body like a second skin, accentuating his lithe and muscular form.

After his transformation, his medium length hair became a golden mane that flowed down his back like a river of molten gold, adding to his fierce and imposing figure. His hair was a symbol of his royal status, and more often than not, it made him all the more formidable in the eyes of his opponents. He radiated a dangerous energy, and the air around him crackled with electricity as his vicious bestial aura flared to life.

It was a stark contrast to Will's elegant white and blue robes, and it spoke of the raw power and aggression that lay beneath the surface of Indomitable Moon's persona.

As he stood there, his body emanating a bloodlust that stunned the crowd, whispers of his talent and frightening aura could be heard throughout the arena. Many in the crowd marvelled at the sheer intensity of his aura, even though his Qi was only at a rookie's level.

With each passing second, Indomitable Moon's aura was becoming darker, tinged with the colour of blood. As he stared daggers at Will, he roared with a ferocity that shook the ground beneath their feet.

The phantom of the giant wolf deity Remus behind Indomitable Moon became more corporeal with time, its form looming large and menacing as it raged and snarled, and releasing copious amounts of killing intent that would easily stifle an ordinary level 99 being and overwhelm their senses.

The phantom of Remus released killing intent in droves like an open tap left unchecked, while its eyes glowed with an inner fire that seemed to consume him from within. It was suffused with an otherworldly energy that seemed to radiate outwards in all directions, filling the arena with a palpable sense of nobility, bloodlust and awe.

Indomitable Moon seemed to be uncontrollably releasing energy, but Will knew that there was a method to his opponent's madness.

Hercules did not forcefully start the fight. The fact that Will was allowing his opponent to charge his aura and momentum while knowing he was an Unrelenting Hunter gave the Greek deity chills.

'How confident is this kid?'

Will simply gathered his mana patiently and focused himself with a fierce determination that even the gods could not ignore. Despite his adversary's threats of pain and suffering and potentially overwhelming bloodlust, Will remained steadfast, his gaze fixed squarely on his opponent's eyes underneath the mask.

Will stood tall in his flowing simple robes, the fabric rippling around him calmly within the stormy winds indomitable Moon dad produced. This created an ethereal feeling of a calm within a storm, that coupled with the Frozen Asgard mask that covered his face and eyes, lent him an air of mystery and intrigue. His posture was confident and relaxed, and he exuded an air of calm assurance.

His face was hidden behind the Frozen Asgard Mask, but the intensity in his eyes was palpable as he stared at his opponent.

'So what if you are a Crown Prince?'

His fingers twitched with the power of the Frozen Asgard Mana that coursed through his pathways, causing the air around him to shimmer with a faint blue aura.

'So what if you are a Veritas Core Member?'

Will was a novice of the arcane arts, but his power, or rather the way he expressed it, said otherwise.

'So what if you own worlds?'

Will's aura pulsed with power, the blue light intensifying with each passing moment. His eyes were closed in concentration, and he breathed deeply, his body suffused with energy.

'This is the system, it's all about power! The winner takes all!'

Will closed his eyes, his fingers twitching with energy as he focused on channelling the mana within him. The frigid Frozen Asgard water mana was cold and unforgiving, but he welcomed its power, feeling it surge through him as he circulated it.

As he circulated the mana, his aura flickered with blue light, intensifying in strength with each passing moment. The water mana flowed into him, seeping into his veins and strengthening his body.

Indomitable Moon watched with growing frustration as Will absorbed the frigid water element world energy around them, almosta s if he was chaneling The breath, but he wasn't.

'Peerless can absorb energy incredibly fast. His mind must have an incredible talent for control.'

What bothered Gianluigi was the fact that Will still had not shown any higher powers like bloodlines, Higher Senses of divine power.

'Is he underestimating me? Or is he under strict restrictions like Rijkaard?'

Will continued circulating his mana, his aura growing stronger with every passing second. What annoyed the prince further as time went on was that his own aura and intent not only failed to affect Will, Will even allowed him to charge his momentum for the Unrelenting Hunt. Will didn't even bother pleeing for Hercules to start the match and charged his own energy.

'He should know that the longer I gather energy, the stronger the my hunt. Very well then, since he is looking down on me, I will give him what he wants. Me at maximum force.'

The werewolf prince growled in defiance as he accelerated his abortion of energy. His red eyes gleaming with anger as he watched Will absorb the world energy around them.

The crowd watched in awe as they released the duo released their auras, creating a maelstrom of energy that sent shockwaves through the air. The match had not even begun, yet they had decided to madly release their auras in a symphony of power and intensity, creating a dazzling display of light and energy.

But the combatants did not fight, at least not yet. They only intimidated each other, sending waves of power towards each other to see who would flinch first. The ground beneath their feet trembled as the two combatants continued to stare each other down, their environment pulsing with power. The air was heavy with the scent of sweat and focus, as the audience sensed the imminent clash between these two powerful rookies.

Indomitable Moon and Will, two titans of power and skill within their levels, each poised and ready for battle.

Seconds turned into minutes, and still, they stood there, their auras pulsing with power. The crowd watched in confusion as the two combatants stood in a standoff that seemed to last for an eternity.

"Why is Hercules delaying the start of the match?"