Shield of Photos: Will's Plot

The dragon finally achieved its goal and blasted down what appeared to be a beam of dark purple and sky blue. The beam looked like it was a river of crystals in these two colours flowing to the enemy. They were beautiful but equally dangerous.

The beam crashed into the shield but no explosion occurred. There was no blast wave of debris flying. The beam splattered onto the shield and flowed into it like water from a waterfall splashing onto the surface below. It was a violent splash of gold, purple and blue lights, but there was no doubt that the golden light was victorious. Like a virus, the golden light assimilated the others and completely absorbed the purple beam.

'You are not the only one that can absorb attacks.' mocked Ulysses in his mind.

This took some time to describe but it all happened within a second. As these were beams of energy that moved that high speeds.

Ulysses' shield processed the energy it had absorbed in a fraction of a second and got ready to release it. He could feel the chains of his first seal were about to break. But he was confident that he could blast the dragon and Will to oblivion before the second layer was unleashed.

The Shield of Photos was powerful, but it was overbearing for one who was at level 99. Not just that, but it also forced one to concentrate all their energy in one direction as most shielding spells work like that. Ulysses was famous for using this skill when facing powerful energy attacks. Today however that fame would cost him.

As Ulysses was about to release his energy, a familiar presence appeared behind him. Ulysses felt the tip of a finger poking into his skull. It was cold, cool dark and completely lacked any presence, but it was hard and heavy.

Ulysses found himself unable to resist what was unfolding. He could not move, he could not defend, nor could he turn back to look. Photos' Shield was so overbearing he could not even turn his neck.

So he shifted his line of sight to one of the floating screens in the skies. Hela's Dominion was still in effect, but under Photos' Judgment, Ulysses' senses were unhindered. He used the screens above to confirm his suspicions.

Peerless was pointing his index finger at the back of his head, his hand shaped like a gun. But what truly caught Ulysses' attention was the glove. Peerless had a fingerless glove on his left hand. One which many had not noticed till that moment as it had been hidden underneath the mask membrane, but at that moment the glove had surfaced and it was glowing.

Runes and matrixes had interwoven on the glove to form a gorgeous design on it. Ulysses could see the glove in detail as it was on a screen far away. Even with this talented vision, there were limits. Nevertheless, his sensitivity to light allowed him to notice something.

'There is an array etched on that glove!'

An array was a composite super spell made from arranging multiple spells to produce different effects. Ulysses was more of an intuitive warrior so he knew little of complex arrays or how to identify them. All he could tell was that the array was dangerous

'Peerless is no fool. Under normal circumstances, he would never be able to pass through my passive defences. But the fact that he appeared behind me like this means he is confident that he can do something.'

An array was filled with so much information that it was almost impossible to engrave one on an object as small as a glove. Engraving a simple matrix was already extremely difficult. Hence Ulysses struggled to understand how Will dd so. The latter had no intention of revealing the Medici Matrix or expalaining compression alrgorithyms to the former. Earth only had a few advantages over other worlds, but its progress in mathematics and programming were ahead of its time tier.


While in the cocoon, Will used the Medici Matrix supercomputer to help him with many things. He had sacrificed lifespan to use it, and he intended to make it count.

First, he had it compute all spells he could use but handed had the chance to learn. Countless simulations on how to master and apply each spell were done, such as how to compress large spells and engrave them on materials, other spells and his summoned creatures. Countless permutations came to Will, with new applications of skills he could already use coming to him in bursts of inspiration. Will was in a semi-conscious state as this occurred, but he was still aware of the possibilities that could be achieved..

Spells he had an affinity for but couldn't use due to lack of experience, such as Bifrost Shift, for example, became accessible to him.

Past experiences he couldn't quite figure out were now clear. His clumsy application of skills was also reviewed by the Medici Matrix. But Will had a secret objective with this matrix. Creation of a super array. One capable of doing three things he desperately needed to make himself stronger along the path he envisioned.

Will succeeded in creating an embryonic form of the array but it was good enough for his purposes. The array was embedded into the glove and was ready to accomplish its three functions. Compression, reinforcement and acceleration!


Will used Bifrost Shift to get behind the Scion of Light and attack. He hadn't just used the matrix to create skills and spells. He had also used it to create a plan of attack using what he knew of Ulysses.

'First, compress a malleable spell like Hydrolytic Fission as much as possible.'

Will had just placed his finger on the back of Rijkaard's head and readied himself. The array on the glove activated and went into action. Will could feel the focal point of his Hydrolytic Fission on the tip of his finger rapidly reduce in size and compress.

'Next, reinforce the water that I will use.'

The glove glowed as the array on it shifted slightly to perform a different function.

Will was planning on using the aqueous membrane on the tip of his finger as fuel for the Hydrolytic Fission. But that wasn't all. The array on his glove strengthened and qualitatively improved the Frozen Asgard Mask substance on the tip of Will's finger. This increased the amount of energy the material possessed manifold

'Now, accelerate the concussive blast, increasing the force output.'

The glove experienced a last change as its array shone. A stream of light flowed to the tip of Will's finger as he unleashed his spell after finishing his preparations.

'Now it's actually more like a dragon's breath' Will surmised as he got ready to unleash the skill.

"Hydrolytic Fission."