Sun Chasing Archer: One Arrow to Scorch the Earth

Each shot became a testament to his unwavering will and his connection to the divine realm. The Great Ogre General's regenerative abilities were pushed to their limits. Its movements grew sluggish, its once impenetrable armour showing signs of wear and tear. Duke's relentless assault brought the beast to its knees, its roars of pain echoing across the battlefield.


In a final act of desperation, the Great Ogre General unleashed a devastating blast of World Energy, hoping to annihilate Duke and erase his defiance. But in a display of unparalleled grace and skill, Duke evaded the blast, weaving through the destructive force with the agility of a divine dancer.


Duke jumped back and stood on the roof of the wall above the main gate, his hands trembling slightly as he grasped the Sun Chasing Bow. His gaze fixated upon the colossal form of the Great Ogre General, his heart heavy with determination and resolve. It was now or never. This was the moment he had been waiting for—the culmination of his training and the full extent of his power.


Drawing upon the depths of his being, Duke channelled a vast reservoir of yang-type mana, feeling its fiery essence surge through his veins. But this time, it was not enough. To ensure victory, he needed something more, something beyond mortal capabilities. With unwavering faith, he called upon the entire reservoir of divine energy that coursed through the Sun Chasing Bow. He intended to use every single ounce of divine energy he had been allowed to use as a gift and merge what he could with the yang mana. Thanks to Alice and Letty's power coursing through him, this was possible.


The air crackled with anticipation as Duke began his chant, his voice carrying a blend of mortal determination and divine resonance:


"By the blessed bow of Hou Yi, a vessel of celestial might,

I invoke the sun's burning gaze, an inferno of blinding light.

Solar Burst Arrow, from heavens untold,

Engulf my enemies in a scorching fire, uncontrolled!"


As Duke uttered the final syllables, the air around him shimmered with radiant energy. His surroundings trembled under the weight of the overwhelming power he had gathered, causing onlookers to retreat in fear of the cataclysmic force that was about to be unleashed.


With a flick of his wrist, Duke nocked an arrow, its shaft pulsating with a fusion of yang mana and potent divine energy. As he drew back the string, the bow thrummed with a divine resonance, resonating with the very essence of the sun's blazing radiance.


With a final surge of yang and divine energy, Duke released the arrow with a thunderous twang. The Solar Burst Arrow streaked through the air, leaving behind a trail of scorching brilliance that seared through the atmosphere.


The arrow struck the Great Ogre General with unerring precision, piercing through its armour with a blinding burst of light. In an instant, an explosion of searing heat consumed the monstrous foe, engulfing it in a swirling conflagration that defied mortal comprehension.


This was the true power of the Solar Burst Arrow. Every skill had a chant, but normally Duke was not qualified to even apply the chants and thus could only use the juvenile chantless forms of the spells. Now that he had witnessed the true form of what the skill could achieve, he felt that it was awe-inspiring, its intensity beyond measure. Flames danced and writhed, devouring the Great Ogre General and turning the once mighty stronghold into a raging inferno. The castle-like walls crumbled, reduced to smouldering debris that scattered across the battlefield.


The balance of qi and mana in the environment was thrown into disarray. The overwhelming polar nature of yang energy clashed with the overbearing divine energy, causing a cataclysmic shift in the very fabric of the surroundings. The land groaned under the weight of the conflagration, its echoes reverberating through the hearts of all who witnessed the spectacle.


As the flames subsided and the dust settled, the silence of the aftermath was broken by murmurs of disbelief and awe. Onlookers, their eyes wide with amazement, discussed the sheer power that Duke had displayed. Duke's actions had revealed a key piece of information. Tsimikas had another powerhouse!


Word spread like wildfire, carrying tales of Duke's Solar Burst Arrow, his skill, and the destruction he had wrought upon the ogre stronghold. The very mention of his name filled the hearts of cultivators with a mixture of admiration, reverence, and a touch of fear. Word of Hou Yi's inheritance being received by him quickly reached the more informed. Thus within a few minutes, Duke's fame soared. An archer blessed by Hou Yi and a Necromancer capable of slaughtering almost a hundred thousand ogres by herself. What else was Tsimikas hiding?


At that moment, Duke stood as a symbol, a beacon of power and determination that ignited the spirits of all who aspired to greatness. The battlefield erupted into cheers and applause as the cultivators witnessed Duke's triumph over the seemingly invincible foe. The eight cultivators, battered and bruised, rose to their feet, their spirits disturbed by Duke's performance and his unorthodox archery skills. But there was no hiding the scheming look in their eyes as their attention was drawn to the Sun Chasing Bow in his hands…


Where the ogre stronghold once stood had become a scorched land that could no longer hold any life. The charred earth and searing yang World Energy in the environment made the scene seem as if it came out of a nightmare for the observers. The onlookers could not help but look at the now weak and meagre Duke. It was evident that the Solar Burst Arrow had drained him, leaving him in a weakened state. Letty and the rest of the Tsimikas group made their way to Duke and congratulated him, but Duke barely even had the strength to smile and just nodded.


'Divine energy is tough to handle.'


Even though Duke had a natural affinity toward yang energy, he had still been burned by the rebellious divine energy from the bow. After all, it was not his energy; he was only a conduit for the last of the finite energy within the bow. His passageways had nearly been burnt to a crisp, and his mind felt exhausted. Soul Chain Share could only share so much of a burden. 


[Congratulations to Duke Kevin Dull for slaying the Great Ogre General! Due to the extenuating circumstances and assistance from other users, the reward is 15% of the total experience. 100000 points have been awarded for the kill! Title; Sun Chasing Archer has been awarded!]


All of the ogre corpses in the surroundings turned into motes of light that were slowly absorbed by the nearby users while the other ogres fled for their lives in all directions. Meanwhile, most of the users could not help but be stunned. 15% experience was a lot! If Duke did not have a level cap, that would be enough to allow him to at least reach level 105. After level 99, the level was a huge rise in strength. As the observers were reeling from the news, a sub-prompt appeared that only Duke could see.


[Congratulations on slaying the Great Ogre General and Receiving the title Sun Chasing Archer!


Title: Sun Chasing Archer


Effects: Negative energy beings will feel intimidated by your presence. You will deal 150% extra damage to negative energy creatures and 20% true damage to light-type positive energy creatures.]


Duke was stunned by what he was seeing. He could not only cause extra damage to negative creatures, but he could cause harm to light-type positive energy creatures as well! 


True damage was damage that ignored defensive abilities; in other words, it was the ability to ignore protection! The title was useless against neutral beings and positive energy creatures without the light attribute, but it was still useful. From this point, Duke became the natural enemy of many polar creatures.


As soon as the dust had settled, another system prompt appeared before the crowd.


[The war against the ogres has been won! Kolladas Tis Moira, once known as the stronghold of ogres, has been defeated! The region will now be ogre free for the foreseeable future. As the leader of the alliance and main damage dealer, all Tsimikas will residents will receive a 40% experience bonus!


The list of the top contributors is as follows.


1. Tsimikas- 40% damage

2. Reinhardt- 5% damag

3. The Smith-Rowe Alliance- 2%

4. Kalimota- 2%

5. Burnfield Nation- 2%...]

[Congratulations to Tsimikas for evolving to the status of a Town! The residents of Tsimikas will xperience a 30% attack bonus for the next 2 months!]


A long list of contributors appeared as a huge amount of drops popped up where the stronghold had just been. A large pile of treasures, objects and skill/spell books littered the grounds. The users were stunned by the rewards that had been handed out.