Good Sword: You’re Welcome In Advance

As Will pondered this matter, he started to inform the others of his own journey. He did not intend to tell them the entire story, but he could tell them enough to just avoid keeping them in the dark.


"So after I made this super awesome attack in the Unending Battlefield, I was then send to this really weird place filled with these Greek Columns-" Before Will could continue his story, he was interrupted.


Reinhardt coughed and said, "I don't know who you are, but don't you think you are being a bit rude?'

Letty frowned and was about to speak when Will placed a hand on her shoulder. He shook his head, signalling her to not take any action. Will smiled amiably and said, "Forgive me. My name is Solitary. I'm the humble yet extremely dashing leader of Tsimikas. It's your pleasure to meet me."

Will's pompously comical introduction amused the observers and solicited a round of laughter.

Will ignored the laughter and looked to the side.

"Achilles, borrow me your sword."

Will's friends looked at him with confounded expressions. Will already had a sword; why would he need to borrow another?

The army that had surrounded Will and his group quieted down and became slightly apprehensive. Letty and Duke had shown battle prowess that could easily put them on Reinhardt's level. Thus it stood to reason that Will could only be stronger.

However, Will was not a Sector Boss. Bosses had far more Life Force than others. In other words, no matter how strong Will was, he did not have much HP. The Ogre General could tank countless attacks and regenerate in a way that made the Reinhardt crowd feel powerless. But if Will received a few attacks, he would still die. After all, he was also level 99. Not to mention, no matter how strong Will was, he couldn't possibly fight everyone here while protecting his friends.

Will's companions were a shackle that Reinhardt could exploit.

The combat power of the Reinhardt group was far above the villages. Since most of these troops had rested throughout the battle and had reaped the benefits from the drops, they were significantly stronger.

'Unless he is a freak of nature, he can't possibly do anything in this situation.' analyzed Reinhardt. He was arrogant but not stupid. He knew there were users capable of overcoming common sense. But what were the odds of any of them being the leader of a tiny village in the middle of nowhere?

Reinhardt smirked arrogantly as he crossed his arms, "You want to fight against all of us? By yourself? Who do you think you are? Do you think you are a savant?"

Reinhardt's followers laughed along. Although most of the cultivators were still weary of Will.

"Maybe he was trained by an all-powerful immortal."

"Nope, he must possess divinity as well. Since the Solar Hunter is one, why can't he?"

"No, I say he is a Truthseeker and a savant, haha!"

"You might as well call him a Natural Born Sovereign!"

As Reinhardt and his crew mocked Will, the latter could not help but be stunned.

'Wow, they actually got me spot on. What are the odds?'

Will shook his head while smiling wryly. He held Achilles' one-handed sword and gave it a few swings.

"Hmm, good sword. Well, balanced."

Reinhardt's crew laughed even more when they saw Will's actions. Will did not move with the grace and poise a swordsman normally had. In fact, one would be forgiven for thinking that he was an ordinary mortal playing samurai. There was no killing intent, skill or method to his movements.

"He can probably kill all of us with a swing of his mighty blade!"

"I think we should hire him for our next feast; at least he is funny."

Emile and the green-robed mage next to him chuckled. Although they were not swordsmen, they could at least tell that Will's actions seemed extremely amateurish.

After swinging the sword a bit, Will returned it to its owner and said, "I hope that will teach you guys a lesson."

Reinhardt raised a brow and said, "What are you talking about? You are surrounded, outmanned and outgunned."

Will turned around and smirked, "Are you sure about that?"

Reinhardt shifted his gaze slightly and saw a look of astonishment on Letty and Woodsy's faces. He followed her line of sight and looked behind him. All he saw was his companions behind him. There was nothing to fuss about, so he wasn't sure what the issue was. That's when he noticed that the same look of shock was on the white-robed leader that had once argued with Letty.

"Mydira, what's wrong?"

The woman in question did not bother answering him. She backtracked and tripped, clearly shaken by something. A moment later, she screamed and ran as if her life depended on it. The other leaders failed to understand what was happening and looked at each other in confusion. That was when Reinhardt noticed an oddity. Besides the leaders, everyone was silent.

The crowd had quieted down while Will was finishing his swings, and Reinhardt had thought nothing of it. But now, something was off. There was complete silence. Not only did no one speak. Their expressions were also frozen as well. It was as if everyone nearby except the leaders had become a statue.

As Reinhardt tried to understand what was happening, Duke looked toward Woodsy and said, "What's with the weird faces you guys are making? What's happening?"

As Duke asked his question, Reinhardt walked to one of his subordinates and asked, "Walker, why are you-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Walker's head fell off his body and rolled onto the ground. A fountain of blood sprayed from his headless body onto the ground and painted the soil red.

Duke and co were stunned into silence by the scene. As everyone still tried to process what had happened, Woodsy's usually cheerful voice sounded out, "The Life Force of most of the people here…just vanished."

Before Duke could process her words, Letty added, "A huge amount of souls just appeared from nowhere all around us."

It only took a moment for the observers to understand what was happening. Woodsy and the white-robed mage were sensitive to Life Force, while Letty was sensitive to souls; hence they noticed death the moment it occurred. Then, almost as if a signal had been given out, a wave of thuds and other sounds rang out. Within seconds, they were surrounded by corpses cut apart in different ways that had fallen to the ground, painting the once fertile soil of Kolladas Tis Moira crimson.

To everyone's shock, almost all the subordinates that had surrounded Will and his friends had been slaughtered.

Heads rolled on the ground while dismembered limbs littered the floor. Reinhardt and the remaining 6 leaders had seen bloodshed many times, but they had never seen it happen like this before.

A shadow of fear loomed over the hearts of the survivors as the terror of what they had just witnessed started to creep in. The more powerful one was, the more they wanted to hang onto life. Never had Reinhardt's group believed their lives would be in jeopardy like this. And to make it even worse, none of them had even seen how it had happened.

Will had not utilized any energy or Intent. Not only that, he hadn't even caused a single sound! Fear of death and fear of the unknown made for a frightening combination!

"I only killed the ones that showed my friends killing intent. I left the other ones alive because they were only following a retarded leader. Nevertheless, the sins of the leader fall onto his subordinates. I heard you are related to someone from a decent background, so deliver a message for me."

Reinhardt did not even dare to turn around and face Will. He was still trying to process what was happening. His surviving associates were the same, each expressing terror and dread in their own way. Will couldn't care less and continued his monologue.

"Here is what you will tell your parents: 'None of those pieces of trash were worthy of dying by my sword, so I had to borrow my subordinate's. I didn't kill your idiotic son as a favour to you. Next time you allow your son to mess around in my territory, I will use my own sword and wipe out your entire Nation, from the weakest soldier to the most experienced of cultivators. And I will leave you alive to see the damage. I have educated your son in the ways of the world for you. You are welcome in advance.' There, that sounds about right."

Will put his arms around his stunned teammates and led them away from the scene as if he had done nothing shocking. The remaining fighters were all those that were not from the 8 towns and had been part of their temporary alliance. They quickly made way for Will and his crew for fear of angering them.

None of the observers had any doubt about a simple fact. Few would have the courage to touch Tsimikas after this day. The rise of Senbonken was like the sun rising in the morning…inevitable.