Earth’s Evolution: We Are Going To War!  

After becoming a practitioner of Perspective and having an upgrade across his vessels, Will was sensitive to one's spiritual and physical presence. Alexa was not only visible to him, but he could also roughly sense her power level.

'Ghosts are quite impressive.' Thought Will as he munched on his food. Will was not sure how strong powerhouses on Earth were due to him being too low-level to even sense the gap. Now after evolving a few times, he could see the gap properly.

'If I'm not mistaken, Alexa should be slightly stronger than a full-powered Gianluigi Remus, and she's just a ghost. If she is this strong, then how strong are the Supremes and Arthur himself? How strong is Genesis?'

Will knew that something about Earth users was abnormal. But now he could see with his own eyes just how abnormal it was. Earth not only had unusually talented individuals, but it also had a shockingly high percentage of users above level 100.

'Natural Born Sovereigns are also a marker that indicates a world's talent. In other words, the more talented I am, the greater Earth's standards become.'

Will had no idea just how strong Earth's users were. According to Adelda, before Will had even entered Mt. Olympus, Arthur was already as strong as the best level 99 user in their section of the universe. In other words, Arthur was capable of fighting toe to toe with Ulysses Rijkaard at full power!

The Minor System Controllers under monitoring Earth such as Tafi, felt as if they had stumbled upon a gold mine of talent. The fact that such a strong realm was only a Lower World and had somehow remained undiscovered by the system for so long baffled them.

Will was, however, well aware of how much of a freak he was. Now he was even more of an oddity, and that would benefit the users of Earth greatly. Alexa had assumed that her growth was due to observing Woodsy the past week, but that was not the case. In fact, all over Earth, people were experiencing a massive growth spurt. The more sensitive and aware noticed this change.

Genesis, Arthur, Musashi, Golden Lord and all of Earth's powerhouses experienced a massive surge in strength that they couldn't quite comprehend. Thus they all came to one conclusion.

'Peerless has evolved.'

In a large stone cathedral, within a large empty room, a small gathering was being held. The large cathedral had the flag of a large, red western dragon spewing flames on each side of the main door.

In the centre of the room was a medium-sized matrix embedded in the ground. Next to the matrix was a throne with Arthur Dragonheart seated comfortably. He was a blonde young man. His face was the epitome of perfection, without a flaw to be seen. He was so handsome it was bordering beauty. His deep blue eyes pulled the souls of all who gazed upon them. He was wearing a simple Knights Armour. The seemingly simple silver armour was a representative of his demeanour. Without flaw, without excess. By his side was a sheathed blade in nothing more than a simple black sheath.

He casually tapped his fingers on his handle, a worrying expression plastered on his face. His right-hand man, Andreas, stood to the side, waiting for his master's instructions.

"Try again," said Arthur after some time. The calm and steady Andreas did as he was told and walked over, touching the matrix along with 5 other mages. In the middle of the matrix was a bowl filled with green ice. The ice was some sort of medium used to fuel some sort of spell. But there was a problem. The spell was not working.

The spell before Arthur was a rare summoning spell, capable of forcefully gathering any named being so long as one had the person's real username and that person was close.

Arthur had intended to use it to forcefully summon Peerless Dao Master and meet him; however, for some reason, the spell was refusing to work.

According to Andreas, the spell not working meant that Will was simply out of their reach. But Arthur was impatient and had them try again and again. Arthur could feel his body become stronger, and his strength had tripled over the last few days. It was precisely this increase in strength that caused him to panic.

'Peerless has evolved, causing everyone to get stronger. If I got stronger by this much, just how much did he evolve?'

The longer it took Arthur to find Peerless, the stronger Peerless would be by the time they met. This would make it far more difficult to kill him. Because at the end of the day, Peerless was the most talented user on the planet by a large margin. Genesis had been very clear that he knew Peerless' identity, but he had no interest in disclosing the knowledge. Nevertheless, he had distributed a key piece of information.

'Once Peerless passes level 125, it will be impossible for you or Musashi to kill him.'

These words were like a dagger stabbing into Arthur's heart. Because it confirmed his suspicions, Peerless was indeed a prodigy of the highest calibre!

'I need to take him down before he gets even stronger.'

The spell could only be cast once every 24 hours and needed some time to charge and prepare for. If it failed, it would deliver a somewhat painful spiritual backlash to the casters. Nevertheless, Arthur did not give up and worked his mages to exhaustion. Only Andreas could infuse Mana for a week continuously without collapsing.

The material in the bowl was the unprocessed form of a unique metal called tetragranium. It was a metal known as one of the best magic conductors and a superb material for space-related skills. It was a metal that had the 'evolution' trait, and it could adopt the traits of its user. This evolution trait only existed with pure tetragranium, and thus only the space attribute and conductive nature of the material could be used.

There were no other people in the room, but the atmosphere was still intense. Arthur was desperate to summon Peerless and deal with him, but his plans were thwarted time and time again. This had even caused Arthur to pull back his invasion plans for North America. As far as he was concerned, Peerless was a bigger fish. America had no other protector worthy of his attention.

As the group was about to activate the spell, Arthur's expression changed. He had received a long-distance transmission from a subordinate that caused him to enter deep thought.

"Halt. Stop the spell."

The mages were tired due to repeated attempts of the spell. Thus they welcomed this brief respite with open arms. They stopped just before the spell was about to activate. None of them expected it to work, but little did they know that it would have worked at that very instance for the first time! Because this was just after Will had left The Truth Seeking Tournament. Will was no longer in a sealed Space-Time with a dilated time flow!

The bearded and brown-skinned and ever-serious Andreas walked over to Arthur and asked, "Your Majesty, what is it?"

Arthur gave a devilishly charming smile as he said, "I just received an interesting message from Alexa, one of our ghosts. It seems we need to change our plans a bit."

Andreas tilted his head in confusion.

"Save the tetragranium and cancel the spell. I will find a more important use for it later."

Arthur stood from his throne and waved his hand in a grand gesture, "Summon all available Supremes and tell them to gather here immediately. Tell our troops to prepare our navy and get ready to sortie. I want every able-bodied man and woman to join preparation!"

Andreas bowed his head and replied, "What should I say is our purpose for meeting Your Majesty?"

Arthur walked away from his throne and looked outside the window of the Cathedral, gazing out at the Atlantic Ocean spread out before his eyes. The Cathedral was situated above a cliff overlooking the ocean, providing a breathtaking view. Arthur calmed himself and smiled deviously.

"Tell them we are going to war!"