Silver Sword Fiends  

The system had created a universal rating system for almost everything from the letter G to SSS.

Letters G to C represented 20 levels each. In other words, all G-rated creatures ranged between levels 1-20, and those rated F ranged between 21-40. This trend continues all the way up to C which was for creatures ranging from level 81 to 100. The peak of C+ was naturally level 99. B and A were different and worked according to a different system entirely with complications brought about due to passing the watersheds of evolution.

When it came to vessels, the rating also determined what level one was expected to reach without putting in much effort. If one had a C+ rated body or class, then it meant that one would be expected to reach level 99 so long as they expended a certain amount of effort. The rating of one's vessels, class, equipment and skills heavily affected one's future potential. It went without saying, but creatures had an innate advantage over humans of the same rating due to living in tougher environments. The habits and traits of the creatures also affected their danger level toward human beings.

The fiends in particular were somewhat organised and loved to move in groups that had distinct roles. The stronger more physically capable fiends were in the front acting as tanks to receive damage, while the smaller more agile fiends moved like spectres, attacking from blind spots when the opportunity arose. The agile Silver Sword Fiends were particularly troublesome because they showed a remarkable unorthodox sword style that made use of their incredibly sharp appendages while their latex-like skin was tougher than the skin of a super-powered elephant.

In front of a group of individuals buffed by a level 99 Captain from Mercedes cohort, the defence that the Silver Sword Fiends were normally proud of was no different from a weak sheet of paper. Lydia Spectralia was an adopted Princess of the Spectralian Royal Family. She was a light and fire type mage that specialized in physical buffs, debuffs and healing. Even though she was technically a support mage on paper, her physical buffs were no joke, allowing her to strengthen her own body to the standard of a powerful warrior within seconds. Thus she was also adept at close and mid-range combat, especially against creatures weak to her attribute.

Her presence tripled the efficiency of the army allowing them to mow down the creatures ahead of them at a frightening rate. The main attackers were the Veritas warriors leading the other warriors from smaller factions. The Eternal Night warriors did not participate as they would get damaged by light element buffs. The darkness element they specialized in made it impossible for them to receive Lydia's assistance, but their information-gathering skills and harassment helped a lot during key moments. Were it not for the miasma, they would have played a much more active role. A few kilometres behind the main group involved in the battle, Mercedes and the other high-level members were having a meeting.

A general map of Fafnir's grave along with a few figures was laid out. Mercedes had spent the last half an hour explaining how she wants everyone to move after gaining a rough idea of the area they were in.

"After Solitary and his friends have finished their Negative Feedback Adjustment, we can continue our plan."

Negative Feedback Adjustment was a sensation that Lower World beings experienced when they went to a higher-tier world for the first time. Technically speaking, Mt Olympus was a Lower World tier space, were as Fafnir's Grave was a Middle World Space of the highest tier. Its space was much more stable and created a suppression on Lower World beings.

Similar to how one felt heavier after leaving a swimming pool, the bodies of Lower World beings had to adjust to the much stabler, denser and more demanding higher-tier space. This was often why beings from higher-tier worlds could do as they pleased in Lower Worlds. Lower Worlds had fewer restrictions and resulted in weak bodies, while higher-tier bodies would become less restricted in a lower-tier world. A fireball that could vaporise a lake in a Lower World could barely heat up a pond in a Middle World. Thus when lower-tier bodies went to higher-tier worlds for the first time, their bodies had to regulate themselves. This alteration was called Negative Feedback Adjustment.

One of Peerless' instructions was to allow for his companions to safely go through their adjustment before the party moved out, thus Mercedes and the others had no choice but to wait for Will and the others to recover.

Will, Achilles, Lyra and Narcissus were sprawled on the ground gasping for breath as they desperately tried to deal with the stupor brought on by the Negative Feedback adjustment. The Adjustment was different for each individual, but the higher the quality of the vessels, the shorter it was supposed to take. To everyone's shock, the one most affected was Solitary himself!

Will was enjoying putting on a show and swayed like a drunkard swaying from side to side while Achilles and Lyra sat down cross-legged. Narcissus pretended to be a bit drowsy and quickly brought out his mirror to marvel at his avatar's form, unfortunately, his mirror observation was not an act.

Will would stand from time to time and fall like a baby learning how to walk. The observers were stunned because they believed that this was an indication of his weakness. The fact that the others outperformed Will was a matter they could not make sense of.

Will was not putting on an act, but rather he was well and truly affected. If he had desired, he could have resisted the adjustment actively. He would have recovered much sooner with his talents. But a few words from Modus had changed all of that.

"Most mortals resist the adjustment because they don't know a key secret. Resisting the adjustment does make one's mind a bit stronger, but if you instead allow your vessels to take in the entire process, without actively resisting, your sensitivity will improve!

Mental strength and sensitivity are on different ends of the spectrum. Using a human's hands as an example, one can think of it this way. An experienced builder with strong hands had calluses that can resist breaking and injury, but in return, the nerves on the surface of his skin will become less sensitive.

In other words, mental strength gained from forceful forging weakens your sensitivity!

You have a naturally strong mind and won't benefit much from resisting the adjustment, but if you allow it to wash through you, you will become more sensitive to your environment. This sensitivity applies to all your vessels. Your body will become more sensitive to life force, your soul is more sensitive to Soul Force and your mind more sensitive to Intent. To the realms of Perspective, sensitivity is key!

I don't want you to contract any deity until your sensitivity has gone through the adjustments. That way, when you do make your first contract, you will be more sensitive to the intricacies of Divine Energy!"

Modus had given Will a useful tip few people within the system knew! Most believed there was no advantage to coming from Lower Worlds, but as a System Administrator, Modus knew otherwise.

"The System was created to promote evolution. Administrators have left a few gifts for those that start in Lower Worlds. When you enter a Higher World, you should do the same and allow yourself to experience the adjustment in full. Your understanding of universal laws and concepts will greatly benefit from this. Evolution should not be resisted, but should be adapted to."

Will was following his Master's words to the tee and allowed himself to receive mocking gazes from the others. He didn't bother explaining his logic to others and allowed himself to move around like a disorientated fool.

At this point, Lydia returned to the tent after seeing that the situation on the battlefield had stabilized. The moment she opened the tent, she was greeted by the site of Will stumbling toward her while reaching out as if he was grabbing something. With a frown, Lydia sidestepped and watched Will's face greet the floor with aplomb.