Tsimikas Acts!  

After making sure that Gianluigi had heard him, Will turned his attention to his subordinates.

"Narcissus, stun the Sword Fiends for a few moments. Achilles, move in as soon as it takes effect. Lyra, once the coast is clear, use Call of the Forest and reflect what you see on the map." Will said as he pointed to the map on the table.

The three were ready and moved accordingly. Narcissus walked out lazily and drew his bow while yawning, "Why do my gorgeous arrows have to touch such filthy creatures."

Achilles walked out behind Narcissus and started to gather World Energy around him. Lyra remained in the tent and started a long series of chants in a language no one present knew of. Narcissus did not allow a single iota of energy to leak as he carefully infused the arrow knocked onto the bow with his mental energy.

Mercedes and the others did nothing because they wanted to see what Will's trio were capable of. There was no need for them to act, but the others would feel more comfortable knowing what they could do. Will's instructions to his subordinates excited them further.

Macedonian Charge and Call of the Forest were famous spells on Mt Olympus. They were not skills an ordinary genius could use and required quite a bit of talent in terms of mental energy use.

Narcissus had the least amount of attention as he was not ordered to use any particular skill, nevertheless, his role was still important. With a calm breath, Narcissus released an arrow that soared into the heavens above. The arrow submerged itself into the clouds high above and disappeared as if it had never existed in the first place. Before anyone could question his seemingly ordinary action, a stunning sight appeared before the spectators.

"Look above!"

On the battlefield, a human soldier shouted, causing others to look up. A seemingly infinite sea of arrows smothered the skies above them, headed straight for their location. Thousands of arrows appeared from the swirling mass of clouds above and headed straight for the gathered troops.

Ordinary arrows could do nothing to both the humans and the Sword Fiends, thus no one believed for a second that these were ordinary arrows as the blanket of projectiles fell from the firmament onto the ground.

"One In Ten Thousand! This is One In Ten Thousand!" blurted Lydia as she looked at the rain of arrows. The generals and captains had followed the trio outside, interested in seeing what they were cooking, and they were not disappointed.

One in Ten Thousand was a high-level skill that any projectile user could learn if they dared call themselves a prodigy. It allowed one to create a large amount of copies of a projectile that had been launched. It required a certain mastery over Intent to apply as the spell was stored within the initial projectile, activating on delay. The fact that Narcissus had launched such a difficult skill without kicking up so much as a breeze made the observers frown.

The best projectile fighter in the group, Natasha, frowned as she realized a crucial point.

'Not even I could produce so many copies in such a silent manner. Not to mention.'

Natasha's eyes narrowed as she honed her mental energy onto a falling arrow.

'Those are not ordinary arrows!'

Narcissus could have easily hidden the nature of his arrows from anyone watching, but he could not make his display too eye-catching, thus a trail of world energy leaked out of his arrows allowing the more spiritually sensitive to notice something. The general-level characters had their Truthseeking Eyes still active, thus they noticed the fluctuations around the arrows.

'This trajectory! Don't tell me, they all have a target!'

Gianluigi was stunned by this revelation as he saw the arrows land on their targets. Different Truthseeking Eyes carried different traits depending on the abilities of the user. Gianluigi's Truthseeking Eye had superb kinetic and peripheral vision, allowing him to roughly guess the trajectories of most of the arrows. All the arrows he had managed to trace were headed straight for targets and true to their trajectories, they did not miss!

The arrows had no damage to them and didn't cause any injury, but each Silver Sword Fiend that was struck had a momentary lapse of judgement and stood still as if frozen in place.

'They carry a stunning effect!'

It was now that people were truly seeing Will's intentions. Before anyone could marvel at Narcissus' feat, Achilles' form burst out like a bullet train as his body was enveloped in a storm of qi that swept outward. But this energy did not affect the enemy, instead, it was his allies that were the target! Macedonian Charge had been launched!

As Achilles' figure dashed forth, a trail of white qi was left in his wake. Close to the impact point, giant humanoid wolves gathered. They were members of The House of Remus that had activated their Unrelenting Hunt. The white qi burst from Achilles latched onto their burly figures and caused their auras to spike. Phantoms of Remus himself materialized above each child of Remus as their strength gathered, releasing the incomplete form of the Unrelenting Hunt.

The wolfmen howled as a green energy field coagulated around them. Their figures burst forth, following closely behind Achilles' trail. From Achilles passing through to the wolfmen bursting forth, this all took time to describe but happened within a few seconds.

With Achilles forming the spearhead, the group formed a wedge formation that pierced into enemy territory straight through the middle. The group was like a battering ram that had destroyed a fragile glass gate. The Silver Sword Fiends were torn apart, ripped to shreds by the combined might of the Macedonian Charge. As a momentum-type skill, the longer it ran for, the mightier it became. Soon the Silver Sword Fiends were stuck in a maelstrom of Truth that entranced the observers.

Macedonian Charge was a powerful skill that allowed the caster to infuse Truth-imbued energy into their body and charge forth. Kinetic Energy would be converted to output during the charge. Not only that, but it created a party-wide Truth Boost for anyone using physical Truth-related skills.

'This is why Peerless asked the House of Remus to activate the hunt. How devious.'

If the boosted ones were using a charge-type skill, then they could fuse with the mental energy Area of the caster of Macedonian Charge and combine their entire destructive output into one form. The attacks would all stack and result in a strong Truth Imbued form of destruction.

There were few substances that Truth could not purify. It was known as the bane of all falsehood and was the blight of poisons as well. Its stable and viral nature was a nightmare for poison-type creatures, and this was even more so when there was a miasma filled with poison. The Truth emitted from the Macedonian Charge was like a flame growing rapidly on a petroleum-drenched field of grass. It spread and purified the poison throughout the entire base of the pathway.

The road ahead became clear while the wedge formation kept moving on within the ranks of the Silver Sword Fiends.

'What an efficient way to farm experience. Remus must be quite pleased to see his men benefitting from this.'

Mercedes eyed her senior apprentice brother. While they were all disciples of Everlasting Willow, Gianluigi Remus was the least appreciated of the group. It was said that the Veritas did a great favour for Everlasting Willow and asked him to take in Gianluigi. So he was always looked down upon despite his incredible background and talent.

It was no secret that Gianluigi wished to court Mercedes but he had been beaten multiple times by Ulysses. Mercedes had made it clear that she would never be with a man less talented than Ulysses. Thus if one couldn't beat Ulysses, one wouldn't get a chance to win over Mercedes. Michael Bellingham had also fallen into the same conundrum as well. It was Mercedes that caused him to fall at odds with Ulysses.

'I know that old dog is up to new tricks.' Mulled Mercedes as she looked on toward the battlefield. At this point, the Charge had wiped out almost all the Silver Sword Fiends. There was now a clear path forward, but a large cloud of experience fell onto the group as they powered themselves down to a standstill. All of the targets of the Unrelenting Hunt had perished and they had built up a great amount of momentum. So they were able to move unhindered, like a wolf in the middle of a flock of sheep.