Uninvited Guests: Frozen Asgard Rivals.

A sect was an organisation that aimed to foster cultivators as a military force. They followed strict doctrine. Some were more religious and theocratic by nature. A good example of this was the Frozen Asgard Sect.

They gave credit for The Frozen Asgard Arts to Freya, Odin and Loki but Freya was the true object of their worship. They believed women to be superior to men and were split into multiple factions. These factions had different principles and were led by the greatest talents within each generation. 

The most talented of any generation were called Valkyries. Valkyries had incredible power within the Frozen Asgard Sect. Becoming an upper echelon of the Sect was only possible if one was a Valkyrie of their generation. Thus Valkyrie candidates like Natasha were subject to veneration and envy from many. 

Each faction within the sect was led by Valkyries but the day-to-day running of these factions was in the hands of the younger Valkyrie Candidates. Competition between these candidates was fierce and often deadly.

Gianluigi Remus narrowed his eyes as he stared at the enemy before them.

'Only a Valkyrie Candidate can cast Loki's Substitution so fluidly. Michael Bellingham was able to convince Frozen Asgard Valkyrie Candidates to partner with him. What a frightening man.'

The Frozen Asgard Sect, The Veritas, Everlasting Willow and a few other powerful organisations had banded together to fight the Eternal Night Sect. This alliance was the Mystos Alliance. However, there was infighting within the alliance. 

This infighting was especially violent between the Veritas, Everlasting Willow's faction and The Frozen Asgard Sect. The Eternal Night Sect was the enemy that the alliance was created for, but over time there was even more enmity between the Frozen Asgard Maidens and Veritas Members. To the current younger generation of the Mystos Alliance, the grudges their predecessors had with the Eternal Night Sect were an ancient history that was now taught to frighten children.

This was where factions within the sect came into play. Natasha's faction had extreme enmity with the Bellingham Empire, which was why she did not mind aligning with Spectralia. On the other hand, there was a faction that cared more about the ancient enmity with the Eternal Night Sect which backed the Eternal Night Empire. Gianluigi and the others quickly guessed this visitor to be from that faction.

"Natasha, you say we are with the enemy, but you reek of Spectralian mana. The stench of their positive energy will poison you." Said one of the hooded ladies with a giggle.

Spectralia and The Frozen Asgard practised positive and negative energy arts respectively, resulting in them clashing often. It was not difficult for one to sense the residual energy of the other if their mental energy was sensitive enough.

"The Bellinghams are also under Everlasting Willow and practice positive energy light magic. Your partnering with Michael is no different from me partnering with Mercedes."

One of the other hooded maidens bellowed, "Wrong! We didn't align ourselves with Eternal Night Scum! The Eternal Night Empire is only a small faction under the Eternal Night Sect, but it is still a part of their forces. You, the Spectralians and the Veritas have forgotten why the Mystos Alliance was created in the first place!"

Gianluigi and Will looked at each other and smiled wryly. 

"Hel hath no fury than a Valkyrie scorned." Laughed Gianluigi.

Will could not resist and replied, "Gianluigi, can you smell the whoremonal imbalance in the air?"

The duo of Will and Gianluigi laughed as they continued their rude exchange. Natasha ignored their antics and focused on the prey in front of her, "Lisa, why are you helping Michael Bellingham? Giselle, Alison and Sophia, aren't you three supposed to be in secluded meditation? "

Giggles accompanied Natasha's rebukes as her words seemingly fell on deaf ears. The riverbank was veiled in an ominous fog, its toxic tendrils curling and caressing the air around the cultivators. Muted sounds of nature vanished beneath the hushing of robes, as the four figures emerged from their cloaking spell. From beneath the depths of their concealing black hoods, whispers of frigid power emanated, begging for release.

In a symphony of elegant motions, the tallest among them, Lisa, unfurled her silver-hued hair. The pale strands glinted like shards of moonlight and framed her face, sculpted with delicate yet defining features. Her piercing gaze, as blue as the depths of a lake, held an icy ferocity that dared all who gazed upon her.

The vibrant Giselle followed suit and removed her hood. The fire of her vibrant red curls cascaded down her energetic form. Her emerald eyes, sparkling with determination, mirrored the untamed passion that stirred within her soul. Every angle and line of her face conveyed an authority that demanded respect and allegiance. Even though she was an ice mage, she still radiated a fiery temperament that sharply contrasted her frigid aura.

Sophia, on the other hand, was a vision of noble grace. She slowly unhooded herself and stood silently next to Lisa's side. Her alabaster skin seemed touched by a winter's breath, and her silky black locks shimmered with an ethereal sheen. Eyes the colour of storm clouds conveyed wisdom beyond her youthful years, augmented by a knowing glimmer that hinted at secrets yet unveiled.

Alison, the final hooded figure, stood tall and resplendent. Her golden mane fell like liquid sunlight, swaying in harmony with her every move. Eyes slept in violet and silver, bearing the weight of countless days of understanding the vast expanse of the mystic arts. Her regal posture and commanding presence attested to an unspoken authority.

Whispers stirred among the onlookers of the Bellingham Empire. They were still facing the onslaught of the Ragnarok Rain, but the beauty of the Frozen Asgard Maidens was simply too magnetic. The observers were mesmerized, yet hesitation and trepidation etched their faces as they had to focus on the ice needles raining from the skies above. The maidens caught their gazes, their arrogantly raised chins conveying disdain for those unable to match their beauty and might.

Sophia, her voice laced with condescension, let her words hang in the air like frost-laden breath.

"It seems our friends have not seen beautiful maidens before. Do not sully us with your filthy eyes."

A hint of a smirk played on Giselle's lips as she surveyed the crowd with a piercing glare.

"No need to be angry sister. They are men, this is all they are capable of. What else can you expect from creatures meant to labour and breed?"

Alison, her voice regal and poised, measured the fog-shrouded surroundings.

"Let them look, it's not every day that we get to reveal ourselves. I was getting tired of those stuffy cloaks."

Lisa's gaze, filled with undisguised disdain, pierced through the crowd, her words sharp as icicles.

"Ignore those fools. Natasha is a handful and is a Valkyrie candidate of the highest calibre. Her Ragnarok Rain will probably finish off the low-ranking scum soon. We can't let that happen. Let's save them first and continue our main task."

Gasps of both fear and trepidation rippled through the Bellingham contingent, their eyes locked on the ethereal display unfolding before them. The four mages raised their graceful hands, each encompassing the essence of their chosen element.

Metallic shards shimmered with malevolence at Lisa's touch, while wisps of darkness whispered secrets to Giselle. Frosty tendrils of water curled around Sophia's fingertips and miniature galaxies orbited Alison, casting a mesmerizing glow in her presence.

United now, their magic surged forth in a dazzling cacophony of power. Metal constructs shimmered into existence while Ice crystals formed intricate patterns. Shadows twirled and swirled, and sparkling stardust danced within the miniature galaxies. The riverbank transformed into a breathtaking spectacle.

Everyone watched in awed silence, mouths agape, unable to tear their eyes away from the stunning display of beauty and supremacy. The Four Mages stood tall and united, basking in the brilliance of their magic, their radiant forms commanding the attention and admiration of the Bellingham crew. That was of course until Will broke the atmosphere.

"So, which brothel did you guys crawl out of?"