Will’s Charm  

Will's beautifully symmetrical face was like a work of art designed by primal gods from ancient times, while his smile radiated an attraction that could put black holes to shame. 

His skin stopped glowing, yet his very being had a radiance that outshone many a star. The depth of his gaze seemed to be as infinite as the cosmos itself while the inside of his pupils radiated an intense light akin to that of a newly formed nebula.

His white hair made him seem like an angel that had fallen out of every one of the ladies' dreams while his every action seemed to carry a poise that made their very breaths quicken.

All four of the ladies had never been attracted to a man before. They had seen plenty of beautiful men such as Gianluigi Remus or the men of Spectralia, but their gender-based superiority complexes still had the better of them. Yet at this moment, the divine beauty that Will emanated completely captured their hearts. Alison fell to her knees and covered her mouth after realizing she had not closed it for quite a while while Sophia blushed furiously while blinking uncontrollably. 

Lisa and Giselle were also blushing but their reactions were less innocent. Giselle shivered as she touched her now tight chest, an odd sensation akin to floating on top of clouds smothering her body, while Lisa ravenously eyed Will's new form from top to bottom. Lisa licked her lips as her entire face turned a shade of red. She did not even bother to hide the lust in her eyes and greedily took in Will's new look.

The ladies were completely taken in by Will's new appearance, but they simply did not care. They had lost the battle and their lives were forfeit. Despite this, they did not feel down in any way and simply basked in the ambience of being in love. 

'So this is the power of charm fueled by divinity.'

Even Adelda admitted that Will's new form was quite pleasing to the eye. She was not in love as she was after all an immortal. Nevertheless, she definitely did not mind this new look, because at the end of the day, if Will accomplished his task, she would still be his woman.

'If he does achieve what Modus wants him to achieve, would I even be worthy of him?'

As Adelda contemplated this and other thoughts, Lyra and Achilles stood gob-smacked at their master's new appearance. Lyra opened his mouth but could say nothing except stare as well. As a druid, he naturally appreciated beauty and valued it greatly. 

Achilles on the other hand had a different kind of respect welling up inside of him. Achilles was by no means unattractive. In fact, he was extremely handsome and was arguably the most visually appealing male on the trip according to some of Mercedes' followers. This had made him even more confident in his charms. Alas, that pride was shattered by Will's new form. Never had Achilles envied a man he respected so much. 

"The boy has just received a minor upgrade to his bodily vessel thanks to me, so it's no surprise that he looks good." Said Narcissus with a smug expression. 

Jingsung Ha snorted in response, "Hmph, unfortunately, he hasn't learned how to reign it in. We have to sort this out quickly. He can't be making every mortal fall in love with him like this."

Narcissus chuckled and said, "Relax, the true source of the charm isn't physical but spiritual. His soul and mind are what is truly beautiful. All he needs to do is learn how to contain his mental energy field better. Then his appearance and charm should go back to acceptable levels.

One of my talents is my ability to condense and expand my Area at will, so he should be able to shrink the radius of his Area to about 20 cm or so. He just needs time to adapt."

Narcissus' words were met with grunts of approval from Jingsung. A lot of effort had been put into getting Will to control his Area. This was not only to make him more adept at controlling his spiritual abilities, but it was also to make Will more in tune with Narcissus' traits.

A contract of equals worked better with two individuals who were similar in terms of traits. Spiritual strength, narcissism, the space attribute and duality as a mage/warrior. It was a combination of these four traits that made Will and Narcissus highly compatible with each other.

Down below, silence dominated the once noisy battlefield as the others were stunned silly by Will's new appearance.

"So, you guys like my new hair?" Will's sarcastic remark popped into the bubble of silence as Giselle and the others gathered their wits about them one by one.

'His hair? It's not just his hair. How can a mortal be so beautiful?'

Giselle was so stunned she failed to notice Will's quip. She could not help but draw comparisons to Mercedes Spectralia, hailed as the most beautiful mortal within their sector of Middle Worlds. Mercedes was so beautiful that if she did not hold back her own charms, fairies of light manifested in abject worship of her beauty.

Will had not reached such extremes, but there were odd flakes of light that fluttered in and out of existence around him, making the very air around him hazy as if he was surrounded by a mirage. 

"Listen, guys. You have two choices. You can either die, or, you can make a deal with me. Although I called it a deal, it's not something that simple."

As Will spoke, his aura reduced in terms of size. He closed his open Doors and cancelled the Breath of Solitude. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Will was returning to his base state. The only ability he kept active was his Unbound Vector, which visibly shrunk along with Will's transformation.

Despite Will's aura receding in terms of amount, in terms of quality and intensity, however, it was actually increasing, thanks to the presence of divine energy.

Originally, the main component of Will's Unbound Vector was Anti Divinity. Will had used Yin energy and Sword Force as replacements, but they were neither powerful nor as oppressive as anti-divinity. 

Anti-divinity and divinity were energies on the opposite ends of the same spectrum. They could be interchanged under unique circumstances where the caster had a mind of the highest quality. One needs a strong mind to interchange energies and adjust skills. Using divine energy as a replacement for anti-divinity in Will's Unbound Vector had always been part of the plan by Modus and Wodin.

Those with anti-divinity avoided deities like the plague fearing for their lives, which is why it was incredibly rare for a deity slayer to have divine energy within their own body.

If one contracted a deity, one was allowing that deity a certain amount of access to the inner workings of their body. A Contract of Equals did not allow a deity to delve into a mortal's body as much, but it was still a risk. Only Modus and Wodin had the confidence to try something so crazy. But they were willing to bet on Will's circumstances not being discovered. 

Lisa and the others were still entranced by Will's new state, but they were sentient enough to be able to respond. 

'Even his voice has an odd charm to it. I can't get enough of it.' Giselle swallowed saliva as she felt her heartbeat quicken.

"W-what kind of deal?" asked Lisa in an uncertain tone. Sophia and the others were stunned by the fact that Lisa had stuttered. Never would they have expected the ever-stoic and staunch Lisa to stutter because of feelings. The ladies were not exactly sure what was happening, but they were all confident that they were entranced. The only question was, how and why this happened.

They wanted to escape, but casting Great Valkyrie's Blade and opening all their Doors had left them drained. They had also suffered some internal damage from the kickback they received from having the spell forcefully destroyed.

Now, their only hope for survival lay in the fact that Will wanted to make some sort of deal with them.