Revealing their True face !!

She was awoken by a hard splash of liquid. As soon as the liquid touched her wounds, she felt a burning pain which helped to get back her sense immediately. When she opened her eyes slightly, her vision was blurred and then her nose twitched, she identified the smell of the liquid, it was kerosene. When she finally opened her eyes, she saw familiar faces, everyone were the people whom she trusted and loved the most, her father, her stepmother and stepsister, her fiance and her best friend.

she was unsure, but for some reason, she felt these people were completely different from the people she knew and she loved. the people standing Infront, were all looking evil, with a devilish smile, waiting for her end. None of their eyes showed pain or anxiety but they were happy and were looking like they were in a good mood to celebrate.

Li Chao did not bother to speak anything, he just wanted to see her suffer, so when he finally saw her wounded everywhere and pool of blood beneath her legs, he was satisfied.

" finish her after your done" he walked away with his wife behind after his last words

Li xiying: "yes father( Li Chao exited the place smiling devilishly with his wife) .....tsk tsk, what a beautiful sight, is it paining a lovely sister "

Suzy:" "

Yifeng:" Haha, baby can't you see, she's too stupid to understand anything your words, why don't we just say her a small story"

Li xiying:" sure darling. Are you shocked my dear sister, of course, you'll be? You might be thinking how did my wounds cure within a day right? Tut tut, you're very foolish, you can't even differentiate between the real blood and fake blood. I was just acting, was it not cool "

Suzy:" why....why d..did you do t....that?"

Li xiying:" because I hate you, I hate your mom, I hate your grandparents. I hated you from the beginning, but I waited for a long time only for this day, and finally....."

Suzy:" what did I do to you, I treated you as my biological sister, I loved you like ....."

Li xiying:" so only sister, just give up everything and leave the world hurtfully. We just wanted to use you until we could, and now your just a trash "

Yifeng:" Haha, baby why don't we tell her good news along with this. Suzy, we are getting married soon, though you won't be alive till then, we are happy that you are going to giving your blessing by passing over all your assets "

Suzy:" I believed you, trusted you and even gave up my underworld thrown for you along with my grandparent's asset, why did you do this, why did you betray me?"

Yifeng:" Suzy, to be Frank, actually I never loved you, I was in love with xiying for almost four years and the result of our love is growing in xiyings stomach. I just acted as your boyfriend just for my advantage "

Suzy was shocked, flames of anger started to burn in her eyes, if she was not weak right now she could have showed what is real hell to both of them, but just then her heart skipped a beat when xiying continued,

Xiying:" Suzy not only you, your mother and your grandparents were also stupid and now you're going to face the same thing your mother and grandparents did "

she felt her heart was stabbed hard, it was paining, she felt she was bleeding heavily inside, her eyes were filled with rage and her voice quivered

Suzy:" did you....did you kill them "

Li xiyings:" it's not me... it's us who killed them including your mother "

Hearing that Suzy was dumbstruck but the next moment, her eyes burned with hatred and her heart started to beat rapidly. Gathering all her strength she tried to breakthrough. When Han Yifeng and Li xiying saw her fiery red eyes which were full of hatred, they felt their heart skip a beat and their body started to burn hot. Afraid that she may break it and do something for them, Han yifeng and Li xiying lit the fire quickly and left the place, as the fire slowly started to spread around.

Suzy smiled seeing the people run away after liting the place, her eyes full of rage, her heart full of hatred, she smiled wickedly and spoke her last words ."A tooth for a tooth, An eye for an eye, you wish 'I never come back alive ', if I do ..., if I do then I promise, I'm going to pay you back, the pain I received. The burning fire and my dripping hot blood as the witness, I promise, I'll make you suffer more than I did . if I get a second chance, if I get a second life, I'm surely going to take my revenge "


" nooo....." she shrieked loudly and raised from her bed breathing heavily and her body was covered with cold sweat. Her diaphragm moving up and down rapidly, her heart was racing, her eyes filled with tears, her emotions were out of control, it took her a long time to calm herself down. When she finally regained her composure, she heard a beep from her mobile, it was a voice message from her stepsister. She played the voice message and heard xiying,

Li xiying:" hey Suzy, I called you to remind you about the party. Don't forget to attend it day after tomorrow. You must come no matter what. We are all waiting for you and yeah, bro yifeng called me to tell you that even he too wants to see you. So don't forget to come okay. Leave Switzerland tomorrow. Ah, and yes, don't forget to buy me some gifts, Okay then,.... bye, see you soon"

Suzy was dumbfounded. Every time, when they needed her, they would call her back to the country, and once they are done they would force her to leave. They were never bothered about her well being, they were always greedy and selfish. What made Suzy dumbfounded was, these words felt too familiar, she felt she had already heard these words.

Feeling doubtful she turned towards the calendar to find, it was 20th Jan 20XX, she had time traveled, she has returned to 20xx, the year her life started to worsen. Tomorrow was the day her life was going to become miserable.

Tears started to roll down her cheeks, she hugged her pillow for warmth and cried hard until no tears were left, her eyes have bulged, and was red. After crying her heart out, her aura turned murderous. Her eyes were cold, filled with hatred and rage. She smirked and said ' its payback time baby '.