Little Devil : this guy is too troublesome

the female lead of the film , miss Suzy "

Everyone were shocked , they even forgot to breath , the person who was more shocked was Li xiying , never did she even thought that Suzy is the female lead.

on the other side , CEO sun was also shocked, he kept on thinking ways to make Suzy accept his offer but to his surprise , without anyone's help she successfully got the female lead role on her own , he was actually dumbstruck.

With a thunderous of applause, Suzy entered the stage . As soon as she entered the director and the script writer gave her a friendly hug , after greeting the director and other people , she bowed deeply to the media reporters and greeted them warmly " hello everyone , I'm suzy , I'm going to play the role of the female lead , Thank you " was that all she said and sat in the female leads seat , the director then continued .

" now ,the last important person of the film , the Male lead , let's please welcome the Male lead of the film , the nation's handsome man , Mu Jun. "

Suzy was instantly stunned , when she looked towards the entrance , Mu Jun appeared , a smile was plastered on her face . Once his sight caught Suzy, Mu Jun stopped in his place

' little devil ' he mumbled under his breath , even though he wore a Mike, no one heard what he said , his voice was too low .

Mu jun did not greet her nor did Suzy, she just bowed and shook his hand tightly before sitting

Mu Jun greeted everyone before settling down . The host gave a brief introduction of the film and the title before meeting the reporters to ask the question.

As soon as the host completed the introduction, the reporters were bombarding with questions .

Reporter: " miss Suzy, what do you think about the role of female lead "

Suzy as you know , the female lead of the film has to be beautiful , strong with perfect body and strength , but other than that , the female mead have a special character , she has to act along with her eyes, so that's what the special thing of the movie "

The script writer nodded his head , approving to her characterization . The reporter continued

" miss Suzy, do you think your perfect to take up the character when your just a new bie "

Suzy :" wether I'm a new bie or not it's not what matters . The things which matters here is wether I can carry out the character pretty well , and I think I'm perfect "

Reporter, :" director , initially you had decided to take up actress bei min as the female lead , what made you to change your mind ? "

Director: " its true we thought to take up bei min , hit according to our female lead role the actress should be could and ruthless in times other than being gentle and lady type, bei min had always did lady type character which suits her pretty well , but our female lead is not a complete lady type character , so we had to give up on bei min "

Reporter: " so director, do you say that miss Suzy is perfect for the role when you dint even audition for the lead role "

Director: " is she perfect or not , you'll see it as soon as the film is released , and the reason we did not audition was because we already found the character what we needed and I dont think we could find ome other than miss Suzy "

Reporter: " mr Mu Jun , what do you think of the female lead ? "

Mu Jun: " scary "

Everyone were dumbfounded , the reporters were quite confused " mr Jun are you talking about the female lead role "

Mu Jun :" offcourse not , I'm speaking about the actress whose going to play the female lead role "

Everyone were dumbfounded, li xiying who was sitting at the other side smirked , but the next moment she was stupefied.

Suzy turned towards him and asked " what do you mean by scary cookie "

Mu Jun: " are you not ? Little devil "

Suzy :" oh ! Is it ? Should I show you how scary I am "

Mu Jun was frightened he backed off instantly: " no no no....I'm sorry little devil "

Suzy :" you better be "

The director who watched them acting all friendly , he was confused " uhm....Suzy, Mu Jun, do you know each other ?"

Suzy :" no"

Mu Jun: " yes " both of them replied in unison and glared at each other

The director was again confused , so was the reporters and other actors , did they know each other or not , should we consider 'yes' or 'no' were the doubts everyone had ,

Seeing both of them acting childish again , Mu juns manager had to interrupt.

Manager an xiao :" now stop fighting both of you "

Suzy looked up and asked sarcastically: " bro an , how do you manage this psycho "

Mu Jun: " hey little devil , whom are you calling psycho ? "

Suzy :" I'm calling my cookie as a psycho , why do you have any problem? "

Manager an xiao clearing his throat he said :" now stop playing "

One of the reporter curiously asked :" uhm ....miss Suzy do you know Mu jun ?"

Suzy looked at Mu jun who was glaring at her " okay okay, I'll tell stop glaring at me like that." Turning towards the reporter she said " yes , I know Mu jun , infact we both are good friends "

reporter :" miss Suzy, how do you know Mu jun ? "

suzy:" I'll I met him in Switzerland , during my studies a few months back "

Mu Jun then continued :" actually I met Suzy in the set of my previous film , we merely greeted each other , but the next day we met again in the business school and we even belonged to Same class, so naturally we got together pretty well , and now we are good friends "

reporter: " Mr Jun, what would like to say about Suzy ".

Mu Jun: " a ' gift ' "

reporter :" care to explain "

Mu jun:" you'll get to know that soon "

reporter :" Mu Jun , according to the source , you never once had any female friend, is it true ? "

Mu Jun: " yes , it is "

reporter :" why so ? "

before Mu jun could answer , Suzy answered behalf if him .

Suzy: " it's because ( picking her fingers to his shoulders she said ) this guy is too troublesome, I mean , which girl will like a psycho "

Mu Jun: " hey , whom are you calling troublesome "

Suzy: " offcourse it's you "

Mu Jun:" little devil...."

manager an xiao :" both of you , stop acting childish , your not inside your college "

Suzy: " seriously bro an , how do you manage this bastard , hes really irritating , why don't you just become my manager "

Mu Jun: " hey little devil , you dare to snatch away my man "

Suzy: " "

manager an xiao :" now enough , stop acting childish and concentrate on the press conference "

' is this a press meet ? ' , ' have we become invisible? ' , ' why do I feel like I'm a third party between the two friends ' were the thought running in other peoples mind when they were completely ignored by the two lead actors .....