A good news turns to become a bad news

The film shoot officially began . ' the chess ' is an ancient movie . The meaning the title ' the chess - is just like the game chess. There will be many strong people like the elephant, horse , camel and servant , protecting the king from the opponent , but no one can protect the king as a queen protects him . The king is the most powerful , but he cannot fight unless his army is in vulnerable position .

The film shoot consist of series of scenes , divided into multiple segments. The first segment is to shoot a brief picture of their character and their daily chores .

Mu Jun , the Male lead, plays the role of kang xi , the emperor of kang dynasty .after his father kang wudi passes , he became the new emperor . Kang xi is a master both in strength and brilliance. His father has always thought him to treat the people in the kingdom as family instead of slaves , he had always reminded him these words " if you have power , be just : if you have wealth , be generous: if you have knowledge, be wise : if you have people behind your back , be respectful: if you have life , be grateful : if you have a person who love you with their heart : be considerate .One who rules the jungle is greater than one who rules the forest" were the words which were imprinted in his mind . To know more about his people , and his enemies, the king disguises himself as a poor merchant named as ming Chengzu .

Suzy , the female lead, plays the role of wu zetian , a well trained marcial artist , a weak looking woman with strong power is an orphan who do some normal chores to survive her every day life . Shes very helpful to those in need , a playful girl , who always goes around playing and betting along with facing harder challenges. When she becomes the queen of the kang dynasty , she puts all her life to love , serve and protect her husband with all her might .

Li xiying, the second female lead, plays the role of xiaoyiren , best friend of wu zetian .xiaoyiren is not an orphan like wu zetian , who grew up depending on her own ability , facing the harsh world . She was the daughter of one of the merchant , her life was a bit easy . Xiaoyiren has always been following wu zetian from the time she met her , and xiaoyiren's parents were completely against it . They did not like wu zetian , they always thought she would be a jinx to whomever shes with .

Jonah , the second Male lead , plays the role of song taizhu , the best friend of the king . He too disguises himself along with his friend kang xi as Qin taizhu . The character Qin tianxu was considered as a comical character . He was a playful boy , never obeying his father's words and doing things on his own accord. The first scene of Qin taizhu was being chased by a wild pig , at that time he was already half naked . Qin taizhu was a pro in gathering information from people . He could easily get information from the people according to the way they would believe, making them to fall in trap .

The first few scenes went on well , Suzy and Mu jun could easily complete their task in one take , the others took one take or two take to complete their scenes. The first few scenes were not the difficult one , it was not that impressive . Only the second Male lead scenes were little tough , as he had to act comically . Jonah tried his best to act out the character , but the director and script writer could not be satisfied, they felt something was missing but they could not point it out , it was only Suzy who found out what was missing . Though jonah expresses his fear towards the imaginated wild pig , but his eyes never showed any kind off fear in it , so to make the scene realistic Suzy came with a beautiful idea. She secretly rented a bull dog along with his master . When jonah scene was about to be shot , Suzy left the dog behind him , and under the guidance of its master , the dog would obediently do what its told . When the director yelled 'action ' Jonah looked back , pretending to see a wild pig and the next moment he jumps up before running for his life , but what caught jonah's eyes was a little pitbull, sitting their looking at him . As soon as jonah saw the pitiful , he jumped up and ran away in fear , it looked more realistic and funny. After the director was satisfied with the shot , only then did he find that jonah was really scared of pitbulls and Suzy had rented it only to help him perform more realistically. He was very much thankful for her help and thoughtfulness. Same like jonah , Suzy had helped many more times to bring a realistic emotion from the actors pleasing the director as well as the actors and crew members.

Everything went in fine and calm except the quarrel between Suzy and Mu jun . When they had to act their scenes they were too cooperative , but when they had no scenes they were too uncooperative. Their will always be an argument between both of them either big or small , entertaining the crew members. Because of their funny argument , the director was soo much tempted that he even aloted a camera man to shoot their funny arguments behind the scenes.

Whenever their was an argument Suzy would always win , the only time she would not argue with him was when her manager was around . The argument between both of them were always on minor topics like , animals, food , actors , singers, hairstyles , colour combinations etc . But when it came to the script , both of them almost had same thoughts , this was what everyone truly liked . They were cute when they were childish , they were serious when they were acting , they had clear line between acting childish and being serious .

A week after the film shoot started , the bright star entertainment officially released a statement that ' Suzy was now an artist under bright star ' . This news was actually a massive news but it did not gain much attention and that was what they wanted, but when this news hit feng mians ears , she was fuming in anger . Since Suzy was not under her company, feng mian could not suppress her , but she had already made many plans to suppress her in other company's, but who would have thought that Suzy would join bright star , Thier rival whom they could never suppress. But feng mian was a pro schemer , she knew how to make a disadvantage into an advantage . She contacted one of her hidden reporter and guided him to bombard the news letting Suzy to get the smaller end .

The next day , the news was bombarded with headlines like " Suzy enters the bright star entertainment as their artist , is she declaring was between her step sister " , " Suzy joins bright star , the rival of FM entertainment ",' Suzy chooses to help an unknown instead of her step mother " , ' is their a conflict between a sister and a step sister ' , ' is their anything inner news about this ' .....these headlines triggered many of the people . The people who did not even know the truth behind never even cared to know , al they thought was they are right . The internet was now filled with criticism towards Suzy, since Suzy was a new bie and did not have a large fan base as li xiying , she was indeed in a shorter end , coming to the industry earlier than Suzy, li xiying had many fans , and the fans instantly started to put on a war in social media .

Since Suzy was friend of Mu Jun and both of them had a very close relationship, Mu juns die hard fans also stood up for her , but it was not that easy , feng mian was a master mind schemer , she even paid for few of the people to criticize Suzy harshly , trying to pour oil to the raging fire .