..let your cookie....this little shy boy go

Too bad , Mu juns wish did not come true , the tomorrow soon came . Since Suzy had an early shoot , she could easily get into the studio without any commotion. Todays scene was to shoot wu zetian ( suzy) beating up a boy gang who usually bullied girls and even dared to flirt with her . It was a comical scene which depended on the way the actor present the scene , the more effort, the more comical it would get . The scene was both a mixture of childishness and maturity, it was tough to shoot to expressions at a time . The actors found it very funny and had taken bad takes for three times , even the crew were enjoying the scene . Shooting a comedy scene is not an easy task , it's way more difficult than shooting a kissing or aggressive or an action scene . The actor has to suppress his laughter without any hint on his face , though the scene is comical the actor may need to appear serious at few times , this was way more difficult task . Finally they completed the scene at the fifth take . When her scene finally ended , she went towards her seat. As soon as she got near to her seat, she yelled loudly ,

" MU JUN !!... where the hell are you ?? "

Everyone in the crew suddenly shifted their attention towards Suzy when they heard her yell loudly . Suzy was looking at a certain place , full of rage . The crew members looked at each other , confused .

Not recieving any response Suzy yelled again , putting both the hands an her hips , breathing heavily . this time she sounded louder and more aggressive.

" Mu Jun, if you dont come out right now , I'm definitely going to kill you "

Suddenly a person jumped out from behind the wall , frightened . He looked horrified. and the next second he smiled sheepishly , the horrified expression still visible on his face, the sweat drops dropping from his forehead ,he stammered :" li...little devil...no no.....su...Suzy....."

Suzy yelled again loudly " Mu jun here , right now , or else I'm going to kill you "

Hearing her powerful voice , he could not help and shivered before running towards her obidiently , standing infront of her straight , shivering all over , " hey , hey....cant you calm down a little , cant we just talk first " he replied, his voice high .

Suzy looked at him coldly before replying

" no"

Mu Jun was calm and low , he did not dare to speak loudly and make the devil even more red " su...Suzy.....can't you just let your cookie ...this little shy boy go ....please " he said making a pitiful expression.

Suzy :" no " she said straight to his face .

Mu Jun tried even harder , " please....can't you just let your good friend go ...please , pretty please....cutie please.....my dear cutie pie " he said making a cute and pitiful face .

The staff who were seeing this side of Mu Jun were really shocked. He always appeared like a playful , and proud guy who never asked for anything from people yet beggingfor something , but yet today he was acting cute and pitiful , melting many of the girls heart . If it was them , they would definitely give up anything he wanted whole heartedly , even if he aasked for their life or body . The just wanted to squeeze his puffy cheeks and say ' awe your so cute ' .

Suzy on the other hand was least moved by his cute act. She has already seen this side of his many times and she knew very well that he was imitating her , the way she acted in one of his film . Though he was begging for his life on one side, but he was teasing her the other side , making her go even more red .

" cookie , I'm really gonna kill you " she said jumping towards him .

Mu Jun was quick witted for no reason today , he instantly ran away to save his life from the devil . When the two lead actors where chasing each other just like a thief and a police childishly , the crew members were laughing hard holding their stomach , even the director was one among them , he never saw scenes like this in any of his shooting , this was way more comical than the scene they shot earlier .

The screen writer also witnessed this comical scene. As he watched the two actors chasing each other childishly, even forgetting about the place , lots of idea started to pop up in his mind . He thought he could use Mu jun as a cute and pitiful boy whereas he could use Suzy as a bully master . This was a new level of idea . Until now their was not even a single film where female lead bullied the Male lead who was cute and childish , this would defined become a special plot for his next story.

He took out his pen and paper and started to write hastily.

After chasing him for a long time , Suzy finally caught him . She was pulling him by his ears and breathing heavily whereas Mu jun was crying in pain asking her to not pull his ears . Pulling the ears is way more painful than getting beaten up .

When the two were busy with their own bully , the cameraman hired to shoot their behind the scenes was shooting the scene from the start till end . He was sweating all over , controlling his laughter hard , afraid to spoil the scene make noice and disturb his angle . He had started to shoot the scene when he saw Mu jun jumping from his seat and hiding behind the wall as soon as Suzy completed her scene . The camera man was very much sure that if this scene was released, this video would definitely break the records of other ' behind the scenes ' .

After begging for a long while and getting three hot beatings , Mu jun was finally let to go . He sighed heavily as he felt he had just came out of hell but his back was aching badly and his ears had already turned red filled with boiling blood because of her hard pulling . Only after keeping some ice packs near both of his ears did the burning sensation ease.

The shoot packed up at the afternoon , after successfully completing covering todays scene . Mu Jun had just stepped out of his studio after removing his makeup and his film attire , but was puzzled when he saw lots of fans as well as reporters standing out . It took him quite sometime to remember what was the current situation , before he could completely come out of his daze , someone threw a bottle from certain distance . He could not react early , just when the bottle was about to hit his head , a feminine hand blocked it by catching it smoothly with her hand . Mu jun just kept staring at her hand , he only came back to his sense when Suzy pulled his other ears again .