twisting the story : putting the blame on Suzy

The next day , another news broke out . The news stated that , CEO sung's mistress has a close relationship with the li family , i.e with both the lead actresses of the ' the chess ' movie ,instantly leading them to other sequence of story .

Since the reporters were well experienced in these areas , they instantly formed a story based on their instincts ,

' CEO sun's mistress has a close relationship with the li family ', ' CEO sun's mistress is acquainted with the two actors of ' the chess ' movie , is their any undertable business ',' what's the real story behind this sequence ',' does the daughters of Li's have any connection with this mistress ' .

Though knowing that she might face these consequences , such was not affected , even if she says anything it's really hard to clear the misunderstanding , but it's only possible if atleast one of the party denies . But offcourse , Suzy is well aware that the ratio of both of them telling the truth is really low , but she have evidences that can prove her innocence . It's just she was waiting for series of things and then reveal the evidence , when li xiying gets out of this sequence putting all blames on her , Suzy was going to release the real evidence , this would also be the first step for li xiyings down fall.

The speculations continued to go on , people had variable thoughts . When the media and public were busy trying to figure out some inside stories , feng mian and li xiying were in rage . Both of them were sitting on a coach infront , in a closed room. Their eyes filled with blood lust . Infront of them stood a women with her heads down , not brave enough to look into their eyes . Feng mian had just met CEO sun and has also been warned by him . ' if the matter does not resolve then I'm going to reveal the truth ' he said clearly with a warning.

Not able to hold on her temper for any longer , li xiying burst out .

" what the hell did you do bitch , I clearly warned you to be careful yet you were least bothered about it "

" but xiying, I did what you said, I obeyed all your words , I did not even book the hotel myself , it was all CEO sun who did that ....moreover my mobile was always inside my pursue , i really dont know how did this happen " Qin yue said shivering

" shut up bitch , you did it wantedly , such an ungrateful fellow you are , you did everything wantedly " li xiying said , breathing heavily,

" but..."

" now enough " feng mian interrupted ," its not the time to fight for that , what happened is happened , we just have to move on "

" but mother the news is already leaked and I have been suspected , what should we do now "

" nothing much, we just need to twist the story "

" but aunty how ? " qin yue asked with a lot of courage.

" it's time for you to act out Qin yue "

" mom what do you mean ? "

" since that bitch is shining everywhere , all over the media and company why dint we let her shine " she said with wicked smile .

" mom you mean...." li xiying asked with excitement all over her face ,

" your right , put the blame on Suzy. Qin yue tomorrow when you go infront of the media act pitifully and put the blame on Suzy and say your were forced and also drugged and also threatened, you could not do anything and hence you fell for her trap , I'll say the other part for CEO sun , since he is way more crazy about her , we can negotiate with him , after this incident , Suzy will no more appear on entertainment industry "

" mom your the best " li xiying exclaimed excitedly , jumping in her mom and hugging her .

Qin yue was also pleased with the initial plan , ' it's better to stay away from this monster feng mian ' she thought , but to her stupidness she never thought that Suzy was way more scarier than her .

The next day , Qin yue stepped out of her house with heavy eye bags , bulged eyes and with a pitiful face . She looked all weak ,giving the impression that she had been suffered .

As soon as the reporters surrounded her and started to throw questions , she started to cry out loud . She was acting just like a professional . The media reporters looked confused ,, ' is she feeling guilty or is their some other reason 'they thought .

After crying for a minute , Qin yue finally spoke

" sorry everyone , I know what I did was wrong , I dont deserve to stay on this earth , I no more want to live but I dont have any choice . I was forced to do it , i was blackmailed , I was drugged, I, I..." she started to cry again

Reporter: " miss Qin yue can you please tell us who it was , who did this to you "

Qin yue :" it was Suzy, my best friend. She drugged me , made me to sleep with CEO sun , it was his fault too , he too was drunk and drugged , he apologized me everyday after that incident , it was Suzy who did everything, I dont know what did I do to her , for her to avenge me , but it really hurts, it really hurts when my only best friend cheated me , spoiled my life , and and..." suddenly Qin yue fainted ,making the reporters horrified.

The maid who was behind Qin yue ordered her people to take win yue in since she fainted and was unwell. The remaining story's were now left for the reporter to continue .

As soon as the new was released, all the hatred was now hrown towards Suzy, people were criticizing her for being such an evil person, many women social groups protested against Suzy , CEO sun also uploaded in his wiebo ow he was tricked and used , how he was blackmailed by Suzy to get the female lead and how miss Qin yue was innocent , everyone around were all cursing her to the core . Online slandering and comments were more brutal than the one in the news , she was called a slut , a whore , a wicked women and so on .

Since their idol was being involved , suzys fan as well as some of Mu juns fans stood for Suzy, but they could not fight back completely since their idol did not announce anything .

Inside FM entertainment CEO office , feng mian was enjoying the show online as well as offline . She was surrounded with a proud and intimidating aura , ' you needed something big and better right , then hear it is , let me see how your going to get out of this Suzy ' she said laughing wickedly .

In a dark room, with the only source of light that came from the computers , a young wome was smiling wide , she could exactly say how proud feng mian must be . Feng mian must have thought everything is going according to her pla plan , but the truth is she was going according to someone else plan . After having a clear view of the comments online , she picked her cell and ordered her assistant,

" leak about my meeting with CEO ge tommorow. Arrange extra bodyguards "

" okay miss "

Ending the call she smiled wickedly .