Cock and Bull Fight !!

Early morning, yesterday's press meet was streaming in all the news channels and papers . The people who believed Qin yue , blamed themselves for believing her false claim , they blamed themselves as an idiot for believing her claims without any evidence. If Suzy had just proved her innocence without any evidence, they might have not believed , or may be they would turn neutral, but after seeing lots of evidence most of them believed her .

Now , due to this incident , the people who ridiculed Suzy before now liked her whole heartedly . Most of the people already started to follow her all around the social media. Even after being betrayed by her own bestfriend , who slept with her fiance and even after experiencing abuses , she was still calm and did not act out like certain actors . Her words ' I dont want anyone's sympathy , I want to get justice for myself ' impressed many citizens .

Online , Suzy's fans , after knowing that their idol was abused and slandered, they started to protest against Qin yue and CEO sun to get justice for Suzy. Mu juns fans also started to support them by raising banners against Qin yue and CEO sun . The women welfare group also started to curse and throw tantrum to Qin yue , and also blamed themselves for believing her act.

When everything was in chaos outside, Suzy was acting her scene like a professional. Their was no stress , no panic , no sadness or anything else. She was calm and steady like usual. It felt as though she had nothing to do with the past incidents.

After completing her scenes , she sat on her chair under an umbrella , checking out her Weibo . Their were number of messages from her fans . The number of followers has also gradually increased . Many people had tagged her , in their post . ' justice for Suzy ' was streaming all over the Weibo. Seeing all her fans supporting her whole heartedly , Suzy was moved . With a beautiful smile she exclaimed ,

Suzy :" sweet of my fans "

Mu Jun, who was right next to Suzy , after seeing all the tags and comments, his mouth twitched , with an annoying tone , he exclaimed " is their anything wrong with your fans head "

Suzy looked at him , confused she asked :" why ? , what happened? "

Mu Jun replied with the same annoying tone :" what's with the tag ' justice for Suzy ' , it should either be ' justice for Qin yue ' or ' justice for CEO sun ' "

: "what do you mean ? " she asked , while her expression was already turning dark .

Mu Jun, not noticing the change in her expression continued speaking annoyingly: " so bad , I pity them, they no more have any chance to slander you again . Cant they use their brain a little if they are slandering you, cant they use some evidence. "

Suzy :" hey , does this feel like a show for you " she said , her expression darkening even more .

Mu Jun on the other side had indeed forgotten that he was dealing with a devil. his eyes still on her Weibo , he continued :" yes , infact I enjoyed it . I really feel that your fans must like a monkey , or else why would they idolize a monkey , a devil " .....'devil ' only then did Mu jun realize he was talking to certain devil , when he looked up at Suzy, Suzy roared .

Suzy : " cookie , how dare you call me monkey "

Frightened Mu jun , jumped up from his seat and started to run to save his life . But too bad , he could not run far from her , before he could even distance from her , Suzy caught hold of his ears , pulling it hard .

Mu Jun: " ah ....little no no...Suzy, Suzy....please let me go, everything I said is a lie , your not a monkey , your an angel , a goddess, let me go , please....pretty please "

Suzy increased her strength , pulling his ears harder she said :" you dare to act cute infront of me "

Mu Jun :" no no Suzy, I wouldn't dare , how can I look cute infront of you , your the best, your the cutest "

Suzy :" you dare to call me monkey again ? "

Mu Jun :" no no , I wouldn't dare to call you monkey again " he said , shaking his head left to right , right to left like a little kid , when Suzy loosened her hold on him , he took a step back and said loudly " because monkey is not that frightening like a gorilla , your a gorilla , a huge gorilla , the scariest of all " he said and ran away like a bullet train.

Suzy almost puked blood by his childishness, " gorilla ,....seriously " she thought and sat back sighing deeply .

The other side , the crew members were laughing out loud holding their stomach tight. It was almost paining after laughing for a long time . The second Male lead almost fell from his chair just like the screenwriter. This was too funny . The cameraman , who was shooting their whole funny scene was trying hard to control his laughter .

For the crew members, every day has become such a beautiful and fun day , their was none of the day they did not laugh in presence of Mu jun and Suzy. Onscreen , they always appeared to be serious and carried out their part pretty well , they had the best coordination, but offscreen they always had cock and bull fight . Instead of friends , they appeared like enemies . Pulling each others leg everytime and commenting on one another, but whatever they did , they always cared for one another indirectly. The crew members were Already in love with this bestfriend pair .

Unknowing to them , their every fight , every funny and mischievous act was all taken in by the screen writer. Seeing their cock and bull fight , the screen writer was enlightened by various creative ideas . The only reason he appeared in the shoot was only to watch their offscreen show .

A week has already been passed , the shooting continued as per the schedule. Their was not much damage caused to the film due to recent scandals , they had only missed out few scenes but they covered it pretty well .

After the press meet broadcast , Qin yue dissapeared from publics eye. Reporters did not find her even outside her home , so they had to give up the idea to interview her , only Suzy knew where she was.

After the press meet, afraid that Qin yue may cause some trouble , feng mian brought Qin yue to li mansion . She had been staying in the Li guest house for a week .

CEO sun on the other hand was dismissed from his position, and now his position was taken by his ex wife , who divorced him not long after the incident. After loosing his position that was now taken by his ex wife, he begged for his wife's forgiveness , hoping that she would take him in , afterall she loved him . But too bad , his wife did not even spare a glance at him , and throwed him out on streets mercilessly .

After falling back on the street , CEO sun dissapeared with no more trace , infact his ex wife knew where he actually disappeared , but she did not care even a bit for him now .

After the downfall of CEO sun , the sun enterprise withdrew their production causing huge loss for the film , but it was soon covered up by a new production company , infact, everyone were shocked because of the amount of interest shown by this new production company , The biggest company of all . The more shocking thing was , certain king of this company had specially shown interest and also was specially making an appearance on the next day , this person was...