Wicked Feng mian

More than two weeks has passed and the scandal of Qin yue and ex CEO sun was already dead . Their was no more trace of Qin yue and CEO sun .

It was a Friday morning ...... Early morning, at eight am , a new piece of news was being published in every news channel and also on the front covers of most of the magazines.

There was two photos of CEO sun meeting the CEO of FM entertainment . The background showed a coffee shop . The picture was headlined as ' CEO sun met with CEO feng mian of FM entertainment , a day before Qin yues fake interview ' , ' information says that , CEO sun met with the CEO of FM entertainment to ask them to suppress the news , thiers also information that CEO sun and CEO feng mian have some personal connections and CEO feng mian was the one who had suggested to throw all the blame on Suzy. Is this the real face of the step mother ' , ' step mother plotting behind the back of biological daughter, planning to take out Suzy from the family so that the wealth goes to Li xiying alone ' .... such kind of headlines went viral instantly . The news started to go more and more wild. Few reporters even visited the cafe , but they could not access any CCTV footage , but few reporters, who were actually professionals , managed to get access from the near by CCTV source , where they could see both feng mian and mr suns car , parking at the same place and both of them heading to the same cafe shop .

While the news were bombarding in every channel , feng mian was angered to death in her office . She was looking as scary as a devil . After quite a few minutes , feng mian finally relaxed a bit . only when she finally calmed Down , she gave out an evil smile , which could make ones knees go weak .

the next moment , Picking up her cell , she called an unknown number.

After the third ring the call was picked and a person spoke from the opposite side

" Hello ? "

Feng mian: " get me information about the person who leaked that photo , I want to know who it is , and also clear up all the CCTV cameras in that whole area . Erase the footage in all the media channels server , even clean out the footage from the cafe . I dont want anyone to get any footage of me meeting mr sun ." after a second pause , feng mian continued " no , dont delete the footage , people may doubt on us for deleting it , just tamper it or replace with previous days footage . I dont want anything to go wrong, and I dont want anyone to find out my meeting with mr sun . also keep a close eye on every media channel , I'm sure they are going to do something else again "

" okay, we will get to work right away "

" your money will be deposited by ten "

" okay "

" it's better if you workout fast and early or else ..."

" we'll try our level best "

" and also , erase the footage from his office , I dont want any footage of me meeting him even in his company "

" okay miss "

" hmm, get into work "

After hanging up , feng mian called another person and ordered " bribe the cafe restaurant and also the secretary and the pa of sun company and whoever were present on that day ."

" okay miss "

" if they are not willing to shut their mouth then, ......you know what to do " she said wickedly .

" okay miss "

" do it before anyone else approach them "

"Okay miss "

After calling and instructing for few more people , feng mian called her secretary

" hows the situation outside "

" it was out of control mam , but the security managed to hold them up. Our team has just arrived and they are keeping an eye all around the building so that none of the paparazzi can enter . "

" what about the employees ? "

" everyone are undergoing strict checking , until now we did not find anything suspicious "

" good , take care of other matters for me "

" okay mam "

" you can leave now "

" yes mam " the secretary said , bowing her head before leaving .

Feng mian had an evil smile on her face "hah , you want to make things difficult for me ? , dream on . You have forgotten , you are dealing with the devil . your smartness will never work on me . Hahahaha " she said wickedly laughing out loud like a witch .

Though she did not know who was that unknown person , she was sure it was not Suzy, because.....she was too proud to think that Suzy had such capabilities.

She could never even consider Suzy as her competitor . For her , Suzy was a genius but also number one idiot . a genius who works as a slave for them , but she was actually too stupid to think that she was doing this because they loved her . For Feng mian She was just like a dog who was not even aware of it's own masters scheme .

What feng mian did not know was , the person whom she thought as a dog was actually preparing to bite it's so called owner .

Infront of the FM entertainment, lots of Suzy's fans were all grouped up , protesting against feng mian for scheming against their idols.

Reporters were also waiting outside the company. If it was some other companies CEO, then they would have not been soo curious about the rumors, but it involved certain CEO of a reputed entertainment company.

By the time feng mian came infront of the cameras , it was already evening. Everyone were shocked by feng mians appearance . They thought she would avoid their interview or either just dismiss them from there or may even kick them out , but they were shocked when she not only made an appearance, but also because she showed ip with a spectacular script in her mind , stunning everyone ....