Asking his brothers help : worried about his baby girl

As soon as she picked the call , came a sweet and sexy manly voice from the other side . A voice which many women desired for , which could make one's ears pregnant ,the same voice which could make one's heart skip a beat and Suzy was one lucky women.

Suzy on the other hand , as soon as she heard the voice , her heart skipped a beat . Her ears were turning red after hearing his sexy voice . Though she knew to whom the voice belonged , as it was one of a kind , but still she was unsure . " hello ? " she asked doubtfully.

Seconds went , but still their was no sound from the other side . As the time passed , her heart started to beat fast , very eagerly waiting for an answer from the other side . She waited and waited but still their was no sound other than a heavy breathing from the other side .

Who knows for how long did she wait , only after few minutes did she hear the voice again .

" hello miss Suzy " came the choice again from the other side.

In the Kim mansion , Kim tan was very much worried after looking at the news which was about Suzy. He wanted to be right next to her and help her to get out of this shit but he did not have enough courage to go infront of her . A long hour passed but still he could not come up with any idea . When he could not find any solution , he went towards his brothers room to ask his help .

After knocking for more than ten times , only then did Kim ting opened the door. His hair was messed up , his dress disheveled , his eyes half open . Their was dark circle under his eye .

" haaaah (yawning) , bro what is it , why are you banging the door " he asked , yawning simultaneously .

Well , Kim ting was very much tired . After completing his long mission , he could finally have his peaceful sleep , but yet his dreamy sleep was disturbed by his own brother .

Frowning , he looked at his brother weirdly.

" follow me " Kim tan said seriously , not giving any heads to his brothers reaction.

Having no other choice , Kim ting followed his brother like an obedient puppy .

When they were finally inside Kim tans room did Kim tan finally spoke .

" I need your help " he said straight forwadly , but Kim tings drowsiness immediately disappeared . Well his brother rarely asked his help and that was only when the situation was serious . The fun loving Kim ting instantly turned serious as soon as he saw his brothers serious face .

He waited and waited but still Kim tan did not even utter a word . When he could no longer wait , Kim spoke up " bro what is it , is their by problem " he asked .

" Yes " was the only answer Kim tan gave and Kim ting fell silent for a while .

" Whats the matter " he asked seriously .

" Well that is ....uhm " Kim tan did not say it straight away , well he was hesitating a bit .

The more Kim tan hesitated , the more Kim ting was anxious.

" Bro , what is it ....just tell me "he said seriously.

" Well , actually..." As Kim tan started to speak , Kim tings world was turning black . The more his brother spoke the more pale he turned . " this is what happened . I want to stay with her but I don't have that much courage . So , I need your help " Kim tan said .since he was facing the wall , he could not possibly notice his brothers reaction.

One minute passed , two minutes passed ...five minutes passed , but their was no response from Kim ting . When he turned towards his brother. He saw his brother sitting like a stone statue , his face pale .

" Ting " he called once , twice but still their was no reaction . He went forward and motioned his hand up and down , but still their was no reaction . Seeing this , Kim tan pinched between his eyebrows . When he could no longer see his brothers exaggerating reaction he shook him violently , holding his shoulder .only then did Kim ting finally snap out of his daze .

" Br....bro , is this the problem you were talking about "

" Yes "

" Are you serious?"

" Yes "

' fuck , what the hell ' he cursed under his breath , not daring to say it loud .

Looking at his brother , he asked nervously " uhm....bro , do you seriously want my help "

" Yes "

" Bro why don't you just call her and ask how is she feeling ?" he suggested .

Kim tan thought for a while before asking doubtfully" hmm...should i ? , What if she hate it ? Or what if she hate me ? , What if she says no , what if she says yes ...should I just continue speaking to her , or should I do some small talk . No no , she don't like small talks , but what if , and what if not ...." As Kim tan kept blabbering , Kim ting fell in daze again .

' is this really my bro ?' he thought in his mind . ' why do I feel he's more annoying when he talks too much ' he thought again .

" Bro , why don't you just call her and see yourself instead of blabbering " Kim ting said hurriedly .

" Hmm..." was the only sound Kim tan gave .

Kim ting waited and waited again , but his brother just continued walking back and forth , thinking whether he should call or not .

When he could not see his brothers comical state anymore , kim ting took the phone from his hand and dialed Suzy's number hurriedly and handed it to Kim tan .

Before he could even realize , Kim ting had aready handed the phone and the call was almost connected . With no choice , Kim tan could only put the phone near his ear. Waiting for the person to pick the call , nervously .

When the call was finally connected , and when he finally heard the sweet voice which he was waiting to hear for a long time , Kim tan stopped breathing and fell in daze.