Your Bro is Soo Hot and Sexy !!

Returning back to her room , Kim lan placed the envelop carefully inside the drawer before locking it . Making sure it was safely locked inside her cupboard , Kim lan went to her bed .

Placing a pillow on her lap ,she called Suzy immediately .within two rings, the call was picked by the other side followed by a loud shriek . In reflex, Kim lan threw the phone away , rubbing her ears which almost burst out by the loud noise . Only when the speaker from the other side quitened , Kim lan picked the phone and started to yell at Suzy .

" hey , do you want to make me deaf , I almost lost my right hearing sense because of your shriek "

" hehe....sorry babe , I was too much excited about today " she said sheepishly .

" fine , I'll let this go for tell me , how was the day ...tell me , tell me " Kim lan asked impatiently.

" it was the best day ever . We did lots of things , we had lots of fun "

" woah , that's great ...what did you guys do "