Who said we dont have evidence !!

In the spacious kitchen , two love birds were flying around in their own world . Than the delicious aroma of food , one could smell the strong fragrance of spring which the two love birds were emitting . 

Standing between his arms , leaning back to his embrace , suzy was enjoying each and every nano second of this moment . Holding his hand , she thought him how to cut the vegetables into different shapes and sizes .

She could feel his warm breath at the crook of her neck , and his husky voice which was very sexy to hear , her face blushed scarlet red and she was drowned in her own pool of happiness. She had a broad smile on her face the whole time which was unnoticed by Kim tan .

Kim tan who was right behind her also had a broad smile on his face , but as time passed he started to struggle inwardly . Sweat drops were trickling down from his forehead , his body temperature started to raise each minute .... he was burning hot .