Revealing the Truth ..

'Clap ...clap...clap ' 

 with her pointed high heels , wearing a knee length gown, suzy walked towards the stage giving loud claps . Once she reached the stage , with a sarcastic smile , she said ...

" woah zi man , you are really amazing , Bravo.. " 

The host who was at the side panicked for a moment . Afraid that the situation might go out of control , he stepped forward to stop it

" miss Suzy, your disturbing our press conference " 

" oh! Am I?....but I'm here to just give you some bigger news and....your press conference had almost ended so tell me am I disturbing your press conference..hmm ? " suzy asked with an evil smirk on her face scaring witts out of the host . 

Li xiyings manager , who was pissed off said arrogantly " suzy ...this is not a place where you can play as you wish . This is the conference hall. Stop wasting reporters time ".