You are not Kidnapping me Right??..

After chasing Mu jun for half a day , he was finally caught by Suzy. Just when Suzy was about to beat up Mu jun into a pulp, a sweet voice called her from behind . 

" baby ..." 

Suzys fist which was about to land on Mu juns head stopped at the Mid air . Realizing who it was , suzy jumped up and went towards the person and hugged her tightly and she said

" darling are here.." 

" hehe...sorry baby, I could not contact you yesterday. I was quite busy with our new show " Kim lan said apologetically. 

" Its ok baby...I understand " Suzy said and hugged Kim lan once again . 

Mu jun who was at the side brightened up when he saw his hubby . Going forward  he started to sulk infront of Kim lan

" sob...sob.....Hubby , she was about to beat me up . She was bullying a wifey ...."