Weekend with the Stars !!!

At the other side , kim tan was also squealing and howling but inside . He was soo happy that, he squeezed his brother and sister in a tight hug. Looking at this new side of his brother, kim ting had another headache . This brother of his , who never liked to hug anyone , actually hugged them . Just this thought alone made his mouth twist, but still he was very much happy for his brother and sister in law.

The elders , who were looking at them secretly all had wiered expression. They were horrified when they saw this cold hearted man acting childishly . Doubting that this might be a dream , Mrs kim pinched Mr Kim hardly until his skin turned red . 

No longer to hold on , all the elders headed straight to Kim lans room when she was alone and locked the door from inside  . Kim lan was startled to see her parents , uncle and aunt coming into her room, but she had already expected this . Sitting opposite to the elders  she asked " tell me ...what do you want to know "