I would love it if you caress it !!

Exiting the Kim corporation , suzy drove her car towards KLM mall , the biggest mall in c

ity A . Suzy was one of the major shareholder in the board and she even had a special suit of her own in the mall . 

Reaching the basement of the mall , Parking the car in the parking lot , suzy picked up a black mask and cap from the car dash board and gave it to Kim tan as she said " wear this cap and mask. Cover your beautiful face, I don't want anyone to drool on my boyfriend. Especially those scheming aristocratic mosquitoes, you can find many in this mall . You too....dont you even dare to look at them " suzy warned , to which Kim tan giggled . 

Looking at her puffed cheeks , kim tan had the urge to tease . Giving a playful smile , he asked curiously " what will you do If i look at them ..? "

" I'm warning you...you're only mine . If you dare to look at them, then..then....I'll kick your balls "