Why Dont we Continue our Precious Moment...??

Reaching her room , suzy opened the door slowly and anxiously, but the next moment, when she saw the scene inside her room , her knees went weak and she almost fell on the floor . 

Inside the room , on a king sized bed , certain king was sleeping soundlessly like a dead man . Thinking that Kim tan must be joking , suzy moved forward to look at him . She tried to shake his shoulder and called his name to wake him up , but kim tan did not even move an inch . Only when she heard his long deep breaths did she understand that he was already fast asleep . 

Suzy's heart ached seeing his weak face . Only now did she realize how tired he was . Fatigue and tiredness was clearly visible on his face. Remembering how busy he was for a weak , suzy felt guilty for acting selfishly and for not caring about his conditions. 

Leaving a deep sigh, she moved to the end of the bed and removed his shoes and socks.