He can easily kill my heart Just with his looks .

The guests who were still In shock , had yet to come out when some one asked out of nowhere 

" wow....who is that beauty ....she looks very familiar ..." 

" is she from entertainment industry? ....but I dont think so ...." 

" hey !...did you guys forget.....shes the one who was named as ' a beauty with brain " .." 

" woah ...no wonder I felt she was quite familiar..." 

" she really lives up to her title "

" indeed....." 

" I wish I could have her as my girlfriend...." 

" dont even dream abou that....cant you see how pure she is ....she deserves a gentleman, not a shitty playboy like you..." 

" ahh!....if I had known before , I would have remained pure ...." 

" to bad , I just thought I could marry off my grandson with her , but who knew she already liked someone ...." 

" I know right ..." 

" I wonder , who's that lucky guy ..."