Stary media...

After getting the signal from Feng mian, the housekeeper nodded his head seriously and moved towards the large LED screen. Swiftly switching on the Tv, he changed into a news channel before moving away from the screen. Seeing that many maids and servants were peeping their head to hear the news, he abruptly left the living room and shoed all the servants away. Making sure that no one was left around, he closed the door and stood there, guarding the door quietly.

Seeing the odd behaviour of the butler, elder Li and others were confused. Feng mian had a strange look on her face and Li xiying face showed no change in emotion instead, she was annoyed that their drama was stopped mid-way.

Suzy on the other hand had a broad smirk on her face. Taking a sip from her coffee mug, she slowly started to walk downstairs to get a closer look of Li xiyings expressions.

Looking at the TV, they saw the logo of stary media and were confused