Seems like my Li Roulan is finally awake!

"you mean you want to spoil her plan?"xiying said and her eyes twinkled

 "exactly…..sigh , finally you got my point. Now go and help your sister…go go"

"right away dad" she said and walked towards Suzy with a bright smile on her face.

 Standing at the corner . Li chao quietly watched his daughter walking towards Suzy . ' lets see how are you going to handle it this time?' he thought.

 From the corner of her eyes , Suzy saw Li xiying walking towards her and not too far away from her , Li chao was hiding in the quite corner and was peeping his head out . seeing the daughter and father pair , Suzy had only one thought in her mind 'trouble maker'

Sighing she continued doing her work . just then she heard Li xiying calling her sweetly "sister…"

 Looking up , Suzy forced out a smile and asked "what is it xiying?"

 "what are you doing?"

 "oh that ! nothing much , just some company work"

 "oh! Seems like it is very important"