We found something...!

"Wait ! Officer Xu , pardon me but.....may I know what are you searching for?" Suzy asked causally.

The chief officer paused on his steps when he heard Suzy's question.  Turning around, he let out a sigh before saying " we are looking for.....miss Qin yue"

"Qin yue? But why? " she asked curiously.

" I don't know whether you know this or not but...miss Qin yue is missing "

"What!" Both the mother and daughter pair yelled at the same time , startling the officer and Suzy as well.

"But , I heard that Qin yue returned back to her aunt's house safely " Suzy reasoned

"No miss Suzy.  Miss Qin yue did not return back to her aunts house even after a long time. When miss Qin yue did not comeback even after a week,  her aunts family started to panic and they hurriedly lodged a complaint in their city. But later on , due to some other reason , the case was reported to us and now we are in charge of this case."