What about miss Li xiying?

"so you mean…"

"I'm not too sure about that but…we can consider that the women was probably drugged"

"hmm…okay Dr ye….then ill wait for your report then"

"sure…" after doctor Ye left, the chief officer Xu remained in deep thought. Only when Suzy called him did he come out of his daze.

"officer Xu, I guess we should move inside to talk further about this case"

"sure miss Suzy"

When Suzy and others were closer to the entrance, they heard the loud wailing of a woman. Startled, Li Chao and Feng mian ran inside the house only to see their daughter sitting on the floor and crying like a wronged child.

As soon as Li xiying saw her parents, she cried even harder" Mom…dad….sob sob"

Rushing forward, both Feng mian and Li Chao bent down on their knees and asked her worriedly "baby, what happened…why are you sitting on the floor"

"sob sob….she made me sit on the floor," Li xiying said as she pointed her fingers at the female officer.