You are not the one who will let your enemy to live peacefully...

"Sister…I want to join the company" Li xiying said, looking at Suzy seriously.

Suzy did not react much to Li xiying's words and appeared especially calm. She had expected this a long back. Leaning back to her seat lazily, she raised her eyebrows and asked: "why?"

"Sister, I cant depend on mom and dad forever and…..I want to prove to grandfather that I'm not useless…So, sister, I want to work in the company"

Though Li xiying did not say it out, but Suzy could already guess what was running in her mind. Li xiying was indirectly suggesting a war against her to win the Chairman-Ceo position. well, Suzy did not mind playing with Li xiying….She too wanted to check how well could she act and also….she wanted to give chance for others to bully her. With that thought in mind, Suzy immediately accepted the deal "Okay…you may join the work tomorrow. I will ask my secretary to arrange a work for you"