Making a bet with Mr Meng

"CEO Kim tan, are you making a deal with the Li corporation just because of the special relationship between Miss Suzy and Miss Kim Lan? if it is, don't you think it is inappropriate"

Hearing all the doubtfull questions coming out of the board of directors mouth, Kim tan smirked coldly before saying " Before coming out with your own conclusion, why don't you hear to CEO Suzy first "

"hah….what's there to hear from her? She's just a young brat who is playing around with zero knowledge?" one of the board of director mocked while looking down on Suzy.

"Oh really?….. then Mr. Meng, CEO Kim is also around the same age as me, do you mean to say that CEO Kim is also playing around with Zero knowledge?" Suzy finally asked with a smirk on her face.

"Hey brat…don't compare yourself with our CEO, you are miles apart in all the aspect….Hah, what an arrogant brat, how dare you compare yourself with CEO Kim…..Is this what your Mother thought"