Protective Assistant Luo Shen

Luo Shen was extremely fast and before the other men could move, they were already beaten into pulp by Luo Shen. Afraid that they might be beaten to death, the other men retreated in fear but before they could take more than two steps, they were once again beaten by him until they could not even lift themself from the ground. Groaning in pain, they rolled on the ground holding their injured body part.

When Luo Shen was done beating the last man, he threw him on the ground and walked towards the leader. Stretching his hand out, he lifted him up by his neck and asked coldly

"Who sent you here….?"

Meeting his cold gaze, the bulky leader shivered and struggled to free his neck. Seeing him struggling to get rid out of his grasp, Luos Shen's grip tightened and his temperature lowered by few more degrees as he asked once again" this is the last time I'm going to ask you…..who sent you here?"