If he becomes a Woman doesn’t that mean men will be an extinct species?

With the controller's help, Kim tan guided the robotic mosquito while observing the surroundings cautiously. When they moved closer to that area, they saw a huge warehouse situated at a dark hidden corner, surrounded by a bunch of tress. After going around the warehouse once, the mosquito made its way inside through a small hole. When it entered the warehouse, the whole room was dark with no faint light. Other than a huge closed door, there was no window nor an open space.

When the screen showed darkness, Kim tan pressed a button and the lens immediately changed into night mode, showing the surroundings in green. Once the darkness turned green on the screen, Everyone was so shocked that their jaws were almost touching the ground.

"Waah…..I was wondering where those nuclear bombs disappeared….seems like they were all stored here?" Suzy commented