Change in the plan!!

Far away from them, few helicopters made their way towards the left island. The one in command, Sergeant Lewie was holding a communicator which was connected with the other six helicopters and spoke in authority "Comrades, we have reached the left island. We will now be landing on the island. The further plan will be discussed and decided on the spot"

Just then. One of the copilot rushed from out and reported "Sir we can't land on the left Island"

Hearing that, Lewie's face darkened and he asked coldly "What do you mean?"

"There is strong wave current as well as the air on the left island is strong. We can not land there, it might even be dangerous"

After hearing the co-pilots words, Lewie remained quiet. Picking up his walkie talkie, he called Kim tan and reported " Sir, due to strong air currents, we are unable to land on the Left island, what should we do now"