Do you know how many hugs and kisses I could get in thees twelve hours?

Inside the Porshe car…..

Suzy and Xiao Zhihan were making their way towards the Mystic hall at more than the normal speed. Seeing the way Suzy was urging the driver to head fast to the location, Xiao Zhihan could not help but ask "Little Sister Zy, what's wrong? Why are you in a hurry? Do you have any important meeting?" he asked curiously.

"Yes, it's rather a very important meeting," Suzy said, especially giving special attention to the word 'important'

"Oh….I wonder what's so important that can make you run like a cheetah?"

"Of course it's because of that person who is very important to me"

"Huh? Important person? Who is that important person?" Xiao Zhihan asked curiously but for some unknown reason, he was having a bad feeling and regretted asking her.