CEO of Li corporation...Miss Suzy!!

"There's a big surprise for you later…" She said and turned her cell phone.

Seeing the message, Kim tan was curious and sent several messages, but unfortunately, none of them received any reply. With a frown on his face, she turned off his cell phone and kept it inside when the show was about to begin.

From a sparkling elevator, a male wearing a black tuxedo and a female wearing a golden long gown ascended on the stage with a background music. Once the male and female hosts stepped onto the stage, they walked to the front of the stagehand in hand and bowed to the audience before welcoming them in a cheerful voice "To all beautiful angels and all handsome Dark knights, we welcome you all for the thirty-fifth Music festival award ceremony"

A loud applause erupted throughout the hall followed by the female host's words.

After greeting the audience and speaking a few more words, the award ceremony officially started.